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Ep. 804 Revisiting the Depression You've Never Heard Of - December 15, 2016 - Patrick Newman
Ep. 803 Peter Schiff on Trump, the Trade Deficit, the Fed, and More - December 14, 2016 - Peter Schiff
Ep. 802 Way Beyond the Roads: Libertarian Solutions for Other Parts of the Built Environment - December 13, 2016 - Joe Brochu and Tim
Ep. 801 Making Poor Countries Rich: Austrian School Insights - December 12, 2016 - G.P. Manish
Ep. 800 Albert Jay Nock Said the One Person in the World You Can Improve Is Yourself: or, Here's What anti-PC Professor Jordan Peterson Does When Thought Controllers Aren't Harassing Him - December 9, 2016 - Jordan Peterson
Ep. 799 Trump's Carrier Policy: How Should Libertarians React? - December 8, 2016 - Bob Murphy
Ep. 798 How the Disasters of Venezuelan Socialism Have Been a Boon for Bitcoin - December 7, 2016 - Jim Epstein
Ep. 797 The Real Fidel Castro, Not the Cutesy One Who Made Everyone Literate - December 6, 2016 - Humberto Fontova
Ep. 796 Secession Is for Morons, Says Ben Stein - December 5, 2016
Ep. 795 Liberty, Guns, and 3D Printing: Discussion with Cody Wilson - December 2, 2016 - Cody Wilson
Ep. 794 The State vs. Parents - December 1, 2016 - David DeLugas
Ep. 793 What Should Libertarians Think of the Dakota Access Pipeline? - November 29, 2016 - Rob Port
Ep. 792 Old Left, New Left, Frankfurt School, and Today - November 28, 2016 - Nikos Sotirakopoulos
Ep. 791 War Is a Racket: The Life and Thought of Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler - November 25, 2016 - CJ Killmer
Ep. 790 The Evils of Dodd-Frank - November 24, 2016 - Peter J. Wallison
Ep. 789 Whether the Left Can Be Reached, and How Libertarians Should Proceed - November 23, 2016
Ep. 788 More Perverse Consequences of Regulation: Automobile Edition - November 22, 2016 - Eric Peters
Ep. 787 The Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and "Limited Government" - November 21, 2016 - Bill Watkins
Ep. 786 Why the Electoral College Is Great, and No One Should Even Think About Abolishing It - November 18, 2016 - Brion McClanahan and Kevin Gutzman
Ep. 785 Trump: His Election and His Direction, with Lew Rockwell - November 17, 2016 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 784 The Road to Serfdom -- What Kids and Adults Can Learn from It - November 16, 2016 - Connor Boyack
Ep. 783 Did Crazy Financial Instruments Bring Down the Economy? - November 15, 2016 - Edward Stringham
Ep. 782 Another Professor Refuses to Surrender to the Campus Snowflakes - November 14, 2016 - Anthony Esolen
Ep. 781 What Trump Needs to Hear About Foreign Policy - November 11, 2016 - Scott Horton
Ep. 780 A Gallop Through the History of Economic Thought - November 10, 2016 - Bob Murphy
Ep. 779 What the Trump Victory Means: Michael Malice and Tom Discuss - November 9, 2016 - Michael Malice
Ep. 778 That Guy T: Black Libertarian Talks Anarcho-Capitalism, BLM, and Killing It on Social Media - November 8, 2016 - Taleed Brown
Ep. 777 Three Scams: Higher Education, "More Technology in the Classroom," and Leftist Comedians - November 7, 2016 - Brett Veinotte
Bonus Ep. 776 Unleash Your Inner Company: Use Passion and Perseverance to Build Your Ideal Business - November 6, 2016 - John Chisholm
Ep. 775 Minimalism: Liberate Yourself and Live a More Meaningful Life with Less Stuff? - November 4, 2016 - Joshua Fields Millburn
Ep. 774 What Have We Learned from Wikileaks? - November 3, 2016 - Tracy Diaz
Ep. 773 Psychology Professor Resists "Gender Identity" Crowd, Gets Attacked - November 2, 2016 - Jordan Peterson
Ep. 772 NSA Surveillance: Founder of Software Engineers for Liberty Speaks Out - November 1, 2016 - Brandon Navom
Ep. 771 Inequality Makes You Die Sooner, and Other Anti-Capitalist Doozies - October 31, 2016 - Christopher Snowdon
Ep. 770 Doug Casey: International Speculator, Take No Prisoners Libertarian - October 28, 2016 - Doug Casey
Ep. 769 Science, the Environment, Climate, and the Market - October 27, 2016 - Marc Morano
Ep. 768 Syria, Russia, and the American Candidates: Scott Horton Gives Us the Scoop - October 26, 2016 - Scott Horton
Ep. 767 Romans 13: Does It Mean Christians Can't Be Libertarians? - October 25, 2016 - Larry Beane
Ep. 766 By Popular Demand: How I Podcast, Self-Publish, Blog, and More - October 25, 2016
BONUS Ep. 765 How My Mom Started Earning an Online Income as an Affiliate Marketer - October 23, 2016 - Andrew Hansen
Ep. 764 The US Government's War on Poker - October 21, 2016 - Adam Haman
Ep. 763 The Final Rockwell-Woods Debate Analysis Episode of 2016 - October 20, 2016 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 762 Don't Believe the Propaganda About Central Banks, and Much More Advice from Tom - October 19, 2016
Ep. 761 The Real Reason Libertarians Don't Matter in Politics? - October 18, 2016
BONUS Ep. 760 Mastering Email: The Quickest Way to Get an Advantage Over Your Competitors - October 17, 2016 - Daniel Levis
Ep. 759 The Paleos: When Rothbard Rejoined the Right in the 1990s - October 14, 2016 - Jason Jewell
Ep. 758 Where Bernie Went Wrong - October 13, 2016 - Hunter Lewis
Ep. 757 DEBATE: Is Fractional Reserve Banking Economically Benign? - October 12, 2016 - Jeff Herbener and John Tamny
Ep. 756 Was Margaret Thatcher a Libertarian Hero? - October 11, 2016 - Sean Gabb
Ep. 755 Is Singapore a Good Destination for Libertarians? - October 10, 2016 - Ivo Zlamal
Ep. 754 How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything - October 7, 2016 - Rosa Brooks
Ep. 753 The Bad News They Leave Out, and the Good News They Leave Out - October 6, 2016
Ep. 752 Lew Rockwell and Tom Take Apart the Vice Presidential Debate - October 5, 2016 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 751 Help People Around the World by Going Over the Heads of Governments and Aid Groups - October 4, 2016 - Gret Glyer
Ep. 750 What I Told a Room Full of Sheriffs - October 3, 2016
Ep. 749 Education Without the State - September 30, 2016
Ep. 748 From the Military to Entrepreneurship: How a Listener Changed His Life - September 29, 2016 - James Newcomb
Ep. 747 Media and Public Confused: Who Creates Jobs, Consumers or Entrepreneurs? - September 28, 2016 - David Howden
Ep. 746 Trump's Missed Opportunities: Lew Rockwell and Tom Discuss the First Presidential Debate - September 27, 2016 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 745 The Economics of Fractional-Reserve Banking - September 26, 2016 - Jeff Herbener
Ep. 744 A Marxist Reckons with Libertarian Ideas - September 23, 2016
Ep. 743 Has the State Reduced Violence? - September 22, 2016 - Stefan Blankertz
Ep. 742 Show Listener Resigns from the Military - September 21, 2016 - Jason Stopper
Ep. 741 David Stockman: What the Fed and the Feds Have Done to Us, and How to Reverse It - September 20, 2016 - David Stockman
Ep. 740 Kosovo: A Military Intervention Bernie Sanders Supported - September 19, 2016 - Jim Jatras
Ep. 739 Libertarians Debate Creation of Israel: Compatible with Libertarian Ideas? - September 16, 2016 - Jeremy Hammond and Rafi Farber
Ep. 738 What's Wrong With the Trump Proposal for Mandated Paid Maternity Leave - September 15, 2016
Ep. 737 America First: Its History, Culture, and Politics - September 14, 2016 - Bill Kauffman
Ep. 736 How the Private Sector Fights Back Against Scammers - September 13, 2016
Ep. 735 Leftists Are Liars: Let's Review Some Examples - September 12, 2016
Ep. 734 How to Start at Zero and Reach Libertarianism - September 9, 2016 - Steve Patterson
Ep. 733 Thoughts on Family, Children, and Libertarianism - September 8, 2016
Ep. 732 The Point Everyone Misses About So-Called Private Prisons, Plus: Are Millennials Really as Anti-Capitalist as the Polls Say? - September 7, 2016 - Brittany Hunter
Ep. 731 By Popular Demand: Libertarianism 101 - September 6, 2016 - Todd Seavey
Ep. 730 Labor Unions Didn't Bring You This or Any Other Weekend - September 5, 2016
Ep. 729 The Real Story of the EpiPen Fiasco, Plus Tom Takes on Scammers Over the Phone - September 2, 2016
Ep. 728 Can Libertarians Make a Decent Case for Free Trade? - September 1, 2016 - Gene Epstein
Ep. 727 Ex-Neocon: A Refugee from Neoconservatism on His Departure - August 31, 2016 - Scott McConnell
Ep. 726 How and Why Progressives Keep Changing What's Offensive - August 30, 2016 - Michael Malice
Ep. 725 A Spontaneous Order: The Capitalist Case for a Stateless Society - August 29, 2016 - Chase Rachels
Ep. 724 Trump, SJWs, and What We Should Do Now: Tom on the Milo Yiannopoulos Show - August 26, 2016 - Milo Yiannopoulos
Ep. 723 Austrian Criticisms of Mainstream Economics Are Sound: Reply to a Critic - August 25, 2016 - Jeff Herbener
Ep. 722 Tesla, Cronyism, Radar Detectors and Other Juicy Topics in Cars and Liberty - August 24, 2016 - Eric Peters
Ep. 721 The Moral and Material Disasters of Fiat Money - August 24, 2016 - Philipp Bagus
Ep. 720 Mythology, Tolkien, and Liberty - August 22, 2016 - Brad Birzer
Ep. 719 Abolish the FBI? - August 19, 2016 - Ryan McMaken
Ep. 718 Woods Experiences: College Campuses, Publishers Telling Me What to Say, Teaching My Kids, and Lots More Juicy Stuff - August 18, 2016
Ep. 717 Debunking Utopia: Exposing the Myth of Nordic Socialism - August 17, 2016 - Nima Sanandaji
Ep. 716 How Regulations Affect Our Everyday Lives - August 16, 2016 - Per Bylund
Ep. 715 Libertarian Musician Leah McHenry Builds an Audience from Zero - August 15, 2016 - Leah McHenry
Ep. 714 Roundtable on Rothbard, Founder of Libertarianism - August 12, 2016 - Jeff Deist, Joe Salerno, and Lew Rockwell
Ep. 713 Does Scientific Research Require Government Funding and Intervention? - August 11, 2016
Ep. 712 Should We Settle Mars? - August 10, 2016 - Robert Zubrin
Ep. 711 Julie Borowski on Handling Critics, Persuading Skeptics, and Freelancing - August 10, 2016 - Julie Borowski
Ep. 710 Zuckerberg Strikes Again: Liberty Memes Punished for Straightforward anti-Hillary Meme - August 8, 2016 - Admin 2
Ep. 709 Obama, Hillary, and the Disasters in Libya and Syria - August 5, 2016 - James Ostrowski
Ep. 708 Ron Paul on His Hero, His Favorite Books, and More - August 4, 2016 - Ron Paul
Ep. 707 How the Warfare State Deforms the Economy - August 3, 2016
Ep. 706 Hillbilly Elegy: Self-Destructive Ideas and Behaviors Among the White Working Poor - August 2, 2016 - J.D. Vance
Ep. 705 What's Right with Freedom, and What's Wrong with the Candidates - August 1, 2016