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Ep. 587 The Screwed Up GOP - February 5, 2016 - Matt Lewis
Ep. 586 Why Capitalism Is Morally Superior to Socialism - February 4, 2016 - Jason Brennan
Ep. 585 Rand Paul Drops Out; Could Rubio Be the Nominee? - February 3, 2016 - Daniel McCarthy
Ep. 584 Fighting Back Against the anti-Rothbard Cult - February 2, 2016
Ep. 583 Would Constitutional Amendments Do Any Good? - February 1, 2016 - Brion McClanahan
Ep. 582 Trump Out, Rand In: Lew and Tom Discuss the 2016 Iowa Debate - January 29, 2016 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 581 I Respond to a Conservative Christian Critic - January 28, 2016
Ep. 580 National Review Attacks Trump: Not a Real Conservative - January 27, 2016 - Jack Kerwick
Ep. 579 Amazing: ACLU and Tenth Amendment Center Unite Against Surveillance - January 26, 2016 - Michael Boldin
Ep. 578 Right-Wing Dissenters from American Conservatism - January 25, 2016 - George Hawley
Ep. 577 Where Should You Put Your Money? The Answer May Surprise You - January 22, 2016 - Mark Skousen
Ep. 576 Feminism: Enemy of Liberty? - January 21, 2016 - Milo Yiannopoulos
Ep. 575 World War I's Pivotal Year, A Century Later - January 20, 2016 - Hunt Tooley
Ep. 574 Neocon Says Word Neoconservative Is Outdated Now; I Remain Unmoved - January 19, 2016 - Paul Gottfried
Ep. 573 The Overpopulation Myth (and Mars, Too) - January 18, 2016 - Robert Zubrin
BONUS Ep. 572 How Can You Monetize a Blog? - January 17, 2016 - Yaro Starak
Ep. 571 The FOX Business GOP Debate, Without Rand Paul - January 15, 2016 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 570 How to Respond to North Korea's Nuclear Bluster - January 14, 2016 - Michael Malice
Ep. 569 Is Humanitarian Intervention a Good Idea? - January 13, 2016 - Laurie Calhoun
Ep. 568 Why Were the 1970s So Bad? Federal Reserve, I'm Looking in Your Direction - January 12, 2016
Ep. 567 FAA Wants to Regulate Your Flying Toys; Show Listener Helps Overturn Crazy Law - January 11, 2016 - Dave Thacker
Ep. 566 Why Are Some Libertarians Rejecting the Nonaggression Principle? - January 8, 2016 - Stephan Kinsella
Ep. 565 The Fiasco in Greece: Lessons for the US and the World - January 7, 2016 - Aris Trantidis
Ep. 564 How to Get Rush Limbaugh Fans Asking the Right Questions - January 6, 2016 - Joshua Bennett
Ep. 563 Clueless Voters and Self-Interested So-Called Public Servants: How Public Choice Economics Upends the Cute Fantasies About How the System Really Works - January 5, 2016 - Ivan Pongracic
Ep. 562 The Real JFK: The Fed, the Economy, and More - January 4, 2016
Ep. 561 Capitalism: Not Guilty of Creating the Housing Bubble - December 24, 2015 - Peter J. Wallison
Ep. 560 Does Capitalism Destroy Culture? Literature and the Market - December 23, 2015 - Paul Cantor
Ep. 559 Greenpeace Co-Founder Repudiates Organization - December 21, 2015 - Patrick Moore
Ep. 558 Medicare and Medicaid, 50 Years Later: The Awful Truth - December 18, 2015 - Murray Sabrin
Ep. 557 The State's Corruption of Private Law, or We Don't Need No Legislature - December 17, 2015 - Stephan Kinsella
Ep. 556 Lew and Tom Dissect Another GOP Debate, on Foreign Policy - December 16, 2015 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 555 A Climate Heretic Speaks Out - December 15, 2015 - Judith Curry
Ep. 554 Am I Afraid of a Trump Presidency? And Other Interesting Questions - December 14, 2015
Ep. 553 The Failure of Just War Theory - December 11, 2015 - Laurie Calhoun
Ep. 552 The Post-Debate Analysis: Tom and Michael Malice Discuss the Hamilton Debate, and What They Might Debate Next - December 10, 2015 - Michael Malice
Ep. 551 Michael Malice and Tom Debate Hamilton in NYC - December 9, 2015 - Michael Malice
Ep. 550 Lunatics Running the Asylum: University Edition - December 8, 2015 - Ilana Mercer
Ep. 549 When Government Fixes Things, It Creates New Problems: The Case of Automobiles - December 7, 2015 - Eric Peters
Ep. 548 Privatize the Ocean - December 4, 2015 - Walter Block
Ep. 547 The Central Rothbard Contribution I Overlooked, and Why It Matters - December 3, 2015 - Stephan Kinsella
Ep. 546 I Say Forbidden Things on FOX News Radio - December 2, 2015
Ep. 545 About That Social Contract I Never Signed.... - December 1, 2015
Ep. 544 Where Do Liberal and Conservative Skepticism of Liberty Come From? - November 30, 2015 - Tom Mullen
Ep. 543 Crushing the Self-Esteem Scam Like a Bug - November 27, 2015 - Michael Edelstein
Ep. 542 Spreading the Message Is About More Than Books and Lectures: Jordan Page Returns - November 26, 2015 - Jordan Page
Ep. 541 Just How Much Has Government Screwed Up Health Care? An ER Doctor Explains -- and Tells Us How to Fix It - November 25, 2015 - Doug McGuff
Ep. 540 Left Attacks Rand Paul on His Fed Comments; We Respond - November 24, 2015 - David Howden
Ep. 539 Roundtable on the Paris Attacks: Is There a Libertarian Response? - November 23, 2015 - Daniel Larison, Daniel McAdams, and Eric Margolis
Ep. 538 The Bipartisan Mainstreaming of Drone Warfare - November 20, 2015 - Laurie Calhoun
Ep. 537 The Conservative Case for Hamilton Over Jefferson Is All Wet - November 19, 2015 - Kevin Gutzman
Ep. 536 Are Libertarians Packaging the Message Wrong? - November 18, 2015 - Jason Stapleton
Ep. 535 Ron Paulian Mike Church: Canned from Sirius/XM, Starts Own Network - November 17, 2015 - Mike Church
Ep. 534 Would Conservatism's Founder Recognize Conservatism Today? The Life and Thought of Russell Kirk - November 16, 2015 - Brad Birzer
Ep. 533 The Separation of Science and State - November 13, 2015 - Matt Ridley
Ep. 532 Adam Kokesh on Freedom - November 12, 2015 - Adam Kokesh
Ep. 531 Lew and Tom Take Apart GOP Debate Number Four - November 11, 2015 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 530 Dr. Mary Ruwart on Crime, Terrorism, Medicine, and Other So-Called Services the Government Screws Up - November 10, 2015 - Mary Ruwart
Ep. 529 Leftist Site Attacks Gold Standard; Here's Our Smackdown - November 9, 2015 - Jeff Herbener and Joe Salerno
Ep. 528 Sowell on Inequality, and Why Equality Is an Impossible Goal - November 6, 2015
Ep. 527 Is Austrian Economics Unscientific Because It Doesn't Conduct Experiments? - November 5, 2015 - Jeff Herbener
Ep. 526 Making People Think Without Bashing Them Over the Head, with Comic Dave Smith - November 4, 2015 - Dave Smith
Ep. 525 States Defy Federal Government in a Dozen Areas, Crickets from the Media - November 3, 2015 - Michael Boldin
Ep. 524 Against Political Correctness: A Q&A with Lew and Tom - November 2, 2015
Ep. 523 Now They Say Norway Is the Model to Follow -- Is It? - October 30, 2015 - Morten Rolland
Ep. 522 Lew Rockwell and Tom Dissect the Third GOP Debate, 2015 - October 29, 2015 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 521 The Dark Net: What Happens Online When There's No Government Around? - October 28, 2015 - Jamie Bartlett
Ep. 520 The Heresies of Liberty: Why the Conservative Movement Shuns Us - October 27, 2015 - Jim Babka
Ep. 519 Debate/Discussion: Should Libertarians Support a Basic Income Guarantee? - October 26, 2015 - Matt Zwolinski
Ep. 518 Woods Speech: What Has Government Done to Our Money? - October 23, 2015
Ep. 517 Two Conscientious Objectors from the Air Force Tell Their Story - October 22, 2015 - Jessica Pavoni and Justin
Ep. 516 Listen to this Episode; Your Life May Depend on It -- How to Secede from a Perverse Medical System - October 21, 2015 - Bob Murphy
Ep. 515 The VW Emissions Scandal, and More Car Issues for Libertarians - October 20, 2015 - Eric Peters
Ep. 514 If the Establishment Loves You, You're No Good: Henry Kissinger Edition - October 19, 2015 - Greg Grandin
Ep. 513 Can We Decide on a Main Problem with Socialism? Also: Why the Austrians Are Right About Monopoly - October 16, 2015 - Jeff Herbener
Ep. 512 Are the Tolerant Millennials the Least Tolerant of All? New Research Asks Some Tough Questions - October 15, 2015 - April Kelly-Woessner
Ep. 511 Today's Tom Sawyer: Neil Peart, Rush, and Liberty - October 14, 2015 - Brad Birzer
Ep. 510 The Truth About the Federal Reserve: A New Strategy for Conveying It - October 13, 2015 - Connor Boyack
Ep. 509 Was Karl Marx Right About Anything? - October 12, 2015
Ep. 508 Are Racially Disparate Outcomes Caused by Discrimination? - October 9, 2015
Ep. 507 Anarcho-Capitalism or Anarcho-Socialism? Why We Should Embrace Property Rights - October 8, 2015
Ep. 506 The Keys to Business Success? Here's What's Worked for My Guest and Me - October 7, 2015 - Tom Schwab
Ep. 505 Liberty: Some Highlights and Lowlights of the Past 500 Years - October 6, 2015
Ep. 504 Trails West: How Freedom Settled the West - October 5, 2015 - Brad Birzer
Ep. 503 Town Bans Uber, Our Guest Defies Ban - October 2, 2015 - Christopher David
Ep. 502 The Stamp Act, 250 Years Later - October 1, 2015 - Kevin Gutzman
Ep. 501 How Libertarians Won the Bet of the Century - September 30, 2015 - Pierre Desrochers
Ep. 500 Roundtable on Liberty's Past, Present, and Future with Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, and Tom - September 29, 2015 - Jeff Deist and Lew Rockwell
Ep. 499 What to Tell Your Friend Who Says Saddam Really Did Have WMDs - September 28, 2015 - Scott Horton
Ep. 498 Should We Hold an Article V Amendments Convention? A Debate - September 25, 2015 - Kevin Gutzman and William Jasper
Ep. 497 Pope Francis, Fortune Magazine, and Me - September 24, 2015
Ep. 496 Wilsonianism: The Legacy That Won't Die - September 23, 2015 - Paul Gottfried
Ep. 495 There's No Such Thing as Social Justice - September 22, 2015
Ep. 494 Tom Covers Over Three Thousand Years of History - September 21, 2015
Ep. 493 Juan de Mariana: Defender of Regicide, Ferocious Foe of Inflation, and Great Economist - September 18, 2015 - Eric Graf
Ep. 492 Lew Rockwell and Tom on the Second GOP Debate, 2015 - September 17, 2015 - Lew Rockwell
Ep. 491 Queen of Chaos: The Misadventures of Hillary Clinton - September 16, 2015 - Diana Johnstone
Ep. 490 The Neoconservatives: Jacobins, Not Conservatives - September 15, 2015 - Claes Ryn
Ep. 489 How the Sheriff Can and Must Protect Against Federal Overreach - September 14, 2015 - Richard Mack
Ep. 488 Welfare Economics: Rothbard Was Right - September 11, 2015 - Jeff Herbener