How about that: fascism has a definition after all, and isn’t just a term for whatever people happen to dislike. In his new book, Paul Gottfried traces the meaning of the word and how it’s been used over the years as a polemical device in ideological battles.
About the Guest
Paul Gottfried is professor emeritus of humanities at Elizabethtown College and a Guggenheim recipient.
Lions of Liberty is a 100% Tom-Woods-approved libertarian podcast, hosted by the smart and talented Marc Clair. Give it a shot!
Book Discussed
Fascism: The Career of a Concept
Other Selected Books by the Guest
Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt: Toward a Secular Theocracy
Conservatism in America: Making Sense of the American Right
The Strange Death of Marxism: The European Left in the New Millennium
After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State
Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America
Previous Appearances
Ep. 574 Neocon Says Word Neoconservative Is Outdated Now; I Remain Unmoved
Ep. 496 Wilsonianism: The Legacy That Won’t Die
Ep. 386 What Fascism Is, and Why It Isn’t Just a Name for Everything People May Oppose
Ep. 87 World War I: Sleepwalk to Suicide
Listener Website Mentioned
The Contra Cruise
Join us October 9-16 for an unforgettable week at sea!
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