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Ep. 611 How Libertarians Can Stop Getting Trounced

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Join Tom Woods and his very special guests in his first public return to the sea in six years…for the Tom Woods Cruise!

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Libertarians have done a good job when it comes to economics, and a terrible job when it comes to filmmaking and entertainment. Unfortunately, that’s where a lot of people’s views come from. Patrick Reasonover joins me to discuss his strategy for changing this!

About the Guest

Patrick Reasonover is co-founder of Taliesin Nexus, which serves as “a nexus between up-and-coming filmmakers and experienced industry professionals who share a passion for a free society.”

Special Event

Sara Young, guest for episode 610, is a mom of 7 who became an online entrepreneur so she could support her family without having to leave the house. She’s teaching what she knows in a special webinar for my listeners on March 15, 2016. Click here to sign up!

For every live attendee I’m donating $5 to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.

Movies Link Mentioned

Password: liberty

The Contra Cruise

Join us October 9-16 for an unforgettable week at sea!

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1) Free eBook on how to start your blog or website. Click here to get it. Plus, check out my step-by-step video taking you from no blog to a blog in about five minutes!

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4) $140 in Free Bonuses. Free signed copy of my New York Times bestseller The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, plus a free 10-lesson bonus course on the foundations of liberty, plus a free year’s subscription to, when you subscribe to the Ron Paul Curriculum site through

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