Entrepreneur Ryan Daniel Moran recently caused a splash on Facebook with a video showing how much he — a member of the hated 1% — was paying in taxes. Hint: it’s a lot. And of course the haters, who feel entitled to Ryan’s money, were out in force.
My Supporting Listeners insisted I get this guy for the show. Today’s the day!
About the Guest
Ryan Daniel Moran is a successful entrepreneur, podcaster, and mentor. He was first featured on Pat Flynn’s Smart Passive Income podcast after he built a $1 million business in 12 months. Check out his site, FreedomFastLane.com. (By this summer, he’ll be moving over to Capitalism.com, which he just purchased.)
Video Mentioned
(Note that the vast bulk of the views occurred when it was a Facebook video.)
Guest’s Facebook
Guest’s Twitter
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