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Ep. 657 An Episode About Episodes: My Personal Guide to the Tom Woods Show

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Today I look back on the previous 656 episodes and pull out some memorable ones to discuss. I also point out episodes that weren’t listened to as much but that deserved a larger audience. And in general I give you — especially but not exclusively newcomers — a nice overview of the two and a half years of the Tom Woods Show. Even (especially?) if you’ve listened to them all, you’ll enjoy taking this little trip with me.

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Episodes Mentioned

Ep. 649 The Tyranny of Liberalism (James Kalb)
Ep. 637 The Horrors of Stalinist Russia, Through a Child’s Eyes (Eugene Yelchin)
Ep. 625 Feminism vs. Free Speech and a Free Economy (Christina Hoff Sommers)
Ep. 620 Trump, Buchanan, and the Death of the Political Consultant (Roger A. McCaffrey)
BONUS Ep. 616 Pope Francis and the State of the Catholic Church: The Inside Scoop (Roger A. McCaffrey)
Ep. 606 She Saw the Liars Up Close: Lt. Col Karen Kwiatkowski on the Iraq War Propaganda ( Karen Kwiatkowski)
Ep. 597 Can the Private Sector Protect Against Crime? This Case Study Will Blow Your Mind (Dale Brown)
Ep. 576 Feminism: Enemy of Liberty? (Milo Yiannopoulos)
Ep. 570 How to Respond to North Korea’s Nuclear Bluster (Michael Malice)
Ep. 526 Making People Think Without Bashing Them Over the Head, with Comic Dave Smith (Dave Smith)
Ep. 517 Two Conscientious Objectors from the Air Force Tell Their Story (Justin and Jessica Pavoni)
Ep. 501 How Libertarians Won the Bet of the Century (Pierre Desrochers)
Ep. 499 What to Tell Your Friend Who Says Saddam Really Did Have WMDs (Scott Horton)
Ep. 497 Pope Francis, Fortune Magazine, and Me
Ep. 481 How Capitalism Can Fix Health Care (Josh Umbehr)
Ep. 452 Early Christianity on War and the Military: Mike Huckabee Would Not Have Fit In (George Kalantzis)
Ep. 429 Is Reason Enough? Why Your Opponents Won’t Listen (Jonathan Haidt)
Ep. 428 Walter Williams on White Privilege and Other Controversies (Walter Williams)
Ep. 425 Beyond Red States and Blue States: The Real America vs. the Televised America (Bill Kauffman)
Ep. 400 Ayn Rand: The Good and the Bad (Michael Malice)
Ep. 399 Lenin and the Russian Revolution: Institutionalized Insanity
Ep. 374 CEO Patrick Byrne on Liberty (Patrick Byrne)
Ep. 343 What I Told Conservatives About Foreign Policy
Ep. 335 How I Became a Libertarian
Ep. 331 No, Progressives, Lower Tax Rates on the Rich Don’t Wreck the Economy (Bob Murphy)
Ep. 326 What I Told the Washington Post About Secession
Ep. 311 On Becoming a Better Writer
Ep. 305 Is $2 Gas the Worst Thing to Happen to America (Bob Murphy)
Ep. 293 Tolkien and Liberty (Jay Richards)
Ep. 287 The Pentagon’s Fake Austerity (Winslow Wheeler)
Ep. 282 Jim Grant on the Forgotten Depression (Jim Grant)
Ep. 272 Am I a Dummy for Believing in God?
Ep. 270 How Would Libertarians Deal With Ebola? (Bob Murphy)
Ep. 266 Get Healthy (Mark Sisson)
Ep. 260 The Bipartisan Foreign Policy Is a Failure (Michael Scheuer)
Ep. 257 Austrian Economics vs. a Mainstream Text (Jeff Herbener)
Ep. 251 The Transition from Communism: The Case of Poland (Mateusz Machaj)
Ep. 239 How Tom Navigated Academia
Ep. 231 The State Is Not a Public Service Agency
Ep. 213 What Causes Banking Crises? (Charles Calomiris)
Ep. 184 Self-Ownership: Against a Critic
Ep. 152 Pat Buchanan on Winston Churchill (Pat Buchanan)
Ep. 151 The Myth of the Rule of Law (John Hasnas)
Ep. 149 The Unfashionable Dissenter: Copperhead, the Movie (Bill Kauffman)
Ep. 134 The ‘Equal Pay Day’ Scam (Mark Perry)
Ep. 133 The Last Soviet Defector? (Yuri Maltsev)
Ep. 117 Libertarian Anarchy (Gerard Casey)
Ep. 112 Carol Paul Answers Your Questions (Carol Paul)
Ep. 78 Keynesian predictions vs. American history
Ep. 54 Pope Francis on Capitalism
Ep. 42 The Gettysburg Address (Richard Gamble)
Ep. 26 WWE’s Kane: Libertarian (Glenn Jacobs “Kane”)
Ep. 19 Lew Rockwell Remembers (Lew Rockwell)
Ep. 14 The Neocons: Who They Are (Daniel McCarthy)

The Contra Cruise

Join us October 9-16 for an unforgettable week at sea!

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