On Equal Pay Day, Mark Perry of the University of Michigan and the American Enterprise Institute gives the real scoop about the male-female pay gap.
For the full list of episodes, click here.
Ep. 133 The Last Soviet Defector?
Yuri Maltsev , economist and Soviet defector, discusses life in the Soviet Union.
Ep. 132 The Real Hamilton
Tom DiLorenzo, author of Hamilton’s Curse, tells the truth about the beloved Alexander Hamilton.
Ep. 131 The Libertarian Homeschooler
Ana Martin, aka The Libertarian Homeschooler, joins Tom. Check out The Libertarian Homeschooler’s Facebook page .
Ep. 130 The Fallacies of ‘Public Goods’
Jeff Herbener, department chairman of economics at Grove City College and a faculty member at Tom’s Liberty Classroom , discusses the problems with standard “public goods” analysis. Check out Jeff’s article archive at Mises.org .
Ep. 129 Righting Rawls
Gary Chartier, author of Radicalizing Rawls: Global Justice and the Foundations of International Law , makes an argument for private-property anarchism, and explains about how the project of John Rawls — among the most important political philosophers of the 20th century — can be made market-friendly. Follow him on Twitter and at his blog… Read More
Ep. 128 David Stockman on Keynes and the GOP
What good is the GOP if its economics is semi-Keynesian? David Stockman, former director of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan joins Tom to discuss that and other topics. Check out David’s new blog, David Stockman’s Contra Corner , and read his indispensable book, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America… Read More
Ep. 127 Against Fuzzy Thinking
Stephan Kinsella joins Tom for an overview of libertarian ideas, clearing up common confusions.
Ep. 126 Stop Protesting Sweatshops
Ben Powell, author of Out of Poverty: Sweatshops in the Global Economy , talks myth and fact about sweatshops.
Ep. 125 Private Governance
Are there non-governmental solutions to common problems? Edward Stringham, author of the forthcoming Private Governance (Oxford University Press), joins Tom.