Ludwig von Mises devoted a section of his book Socialism to what he called “destructionism.” Destructionism, like socialism itself, builds nothing. It lives off the accumulated wealth created by a society based on private property. And it is immensely popular, even today. Sponsor Blinkist lets… Read More
Archives for October 2019
Reagan Official Says Military Budget Bloated; Harpies Attack
This is from FOX Business. All they have against him are talking points. One panelist seems personally insulted that Stockman suggests there might be liars inside the U.S. government. I’ll get Stockman back on the program soon. I’ll solicit questions for him from the Tom… Read More
Socialists’ Cartoon Vision of Capitalism
The latest issue of the Tom Woods Letter, which all the influential people read. Subscribe for free and receive my eBook AOC Is Wrong: The Upside-Down World of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as a gift. Someone in the Tom Woods Show Elite just shared this: None of this is true.I have never in my life met… Read More
Ep. 1524 The Constitution a Coup?
Patrick Newman joins me once again to discuss a brand new book by Murray Rothbard, the prolific economist and historian who died in 1995. We cover the process of deciphering Rothbard’s notoriously illegible handwriting, and also the contents themselves: Rothbard’s assessments of the Constitution, Bill… Read More
Ep. 1523 How the Best Capitalists Create Tribes of Rabid Fans
Libertarian podcaster and successful entrepreneur Jason Stapleton joins me for a discussion not just of entrepreneurship but of how it is that some people manage to build followings of rabid, unfailingly loyal fans. What are they doing right? What do they know that others don’t?… Read More
Ep. 1522 Parents Battle Over Transitioning 7-Year-Old Boy
The parental custodianship case of James Younger — the 7-year-old boy whose mother wants to “transition” into a girl named Luna — generated much heat, particularly last week. Some people tried to claim that there was really nothing to the case, that it was all… Read More
Ep. 1521 Why Economists Never Took Marx Seriously
It’s fashionable to like Karl Marx again, so it’s worth remembering that economists dismissed him from the beginning. The Marginal Revolution of the early 1870s upended the foundations of Marxism, and Marx himself never seems to have recognized what happened. Phil Magness, editor of a… Read More
Ep. 1520 New Leadership for the Libertarian Party? My Guest Hopes So
Joshua Smith, At-Large Member of the Libertarian National Committee, is seeking to become the party’s chairman. We discuss his background, lessons learned from 2018, whether the party is on the right track (it did get a bunch of votes in 2016, after all), and more.… Read More
Get Discounted Tickets To the Ron Paul Symposium
Ron Paul is having a symposium in Lake Jackson, Texas , on November 9. You can join me there at a special price if you’re a member of my Supporting Listeners program (which includes a great many additional benefits, of course). The normal price is $55 ($40 for Mises Institute members). As… Read More
Ep. 1519 Peter Schiff Interviews Me on Economic History, Nullification, More
Peter Schiff interviews me on economic history, Keynesianism, and state nullification. Book Mentioned Nullification Free Resources! 1) Free guide on how to start your blog or website. Click here to get it. Plus, check out my step-by-step video taking you from no blog to a blog in about five minutes! 2) Free publicity for… Read More