The Iowa Supreme Court has allowed an employer to fire a woman for being too attractive (“irresistible” was the word used). Now the libertarian position is that voluntary agreements may be terminated by either party; otherwise, they wouldn’t be voluntary agreements. Naturally, this principle appears… Read More
Archives for December 2012
Making Up the Law as They Go Along
My January Events
On January 16th I’ll be speaking in Jefferson City, Missouri in the late morning (details to come) and then at a Tenth Amendment Dinner in Topeka around 6pm. On January 19th I’ll be speaking near St. Louis at a forum on economic prosperity , and on January 26th I’ll be speaking along… Read More
Everyone Would Die Without the FDA
Or so we’ve been told. Nicholas Anderson, a health economist in Salt Lake City who reviews medical technologies, writes to say: Between Hayes , BCBS TEC , Up to Date and others, there are enough of us scientists/economists to evaluate the safety and efficacy of medical technologies. We could do it… Read More
Greenwald: Drone Attacks Increase Sympathy for Militants
Glenn Greenwald shows how the drone strikes in Yemen are leading ordinary people with no previous ax to grind into the hands of violent militants. The usual neocon response is to note that Muslims are going to hate America whether the federal government bombs them or not,… Read More
How About That: Government-Mandated Declines in Lending Standards Led to Lower Lending Standards
Over at the Circle Bastiat, Peter Klein writes: There has been a persistent dispute among mainstream economists about the role of government housing policy, particularly the Community Reinvestment Act which was used, in the 1990s, to make banks increase their lending to particular low-income neighborhoods. Paul Krugman asserts, for example, that… Read More
California Department’s Secret Stash Even Greater Than Thought
The hidden stash of tens of millions of dollars hidden by the California Parks Department is actually $3.9 million greater than was previously thought. Meanwhile, parks were being closed amid much weeping and hand-wringing.
What We Want
Anti-Gun Propaganda at the Daily Kos
A writer at the left-wing Daily Kos claims that the idea that the Second Amendment might involve individual gun ownership is a right-wing “fraud” imposed on the country by ideologically motivated Supreme Court justices. Yet the classic scholarly piece refuting the claim that the Second Amendment… Read More
Old Statute Set to Push Milk Prices to $7/Gallon
If you can figure out what the various milk subsidies and statutes all mean, you deserve a prize, but what matters to most Americans is that without the renewal of some price-support law within the next several days, a 1949 statute goes into effect that… Read More