Report : “A police officer can pull over a motorist for a traffic violation even if the officer himself caused the driver to commit the infraction, a federal judge ruled last Tuesday.”
Archives for December 2012
I’m Just So Scared of the Fiscal Cliff
I hope you’re sitting down for this: coverage of the “fiscal cliff” is a lot of hype. Bob Murphy looks at the numbers and concludes that if the government goes over the “cliff,” then some $9 billion in cuts will take place. That’s three-tenths of one percent of government spending. By… Read More
December’s Book Winners
Why the Greenbackers Are Wrong
This is a long piece, but no longer than strictly necessary. It refutes a few of the most common claims advanced by Greenbackers, opponents of the Fed who believe the solution is to transfer its money-creation monopoly directly to the government. One of Ron Paul’s… Read More
Woods Christmas Tidbits
Around the Woods household at Christmas time, the voice of Perry Como can frequently be heard. It almost wouldn’t be Christmas to me without his voice. Here he is singing “Do You Hear What I Hear,” a song composed as a plea for peace during… Read More
Give the Neocons a Run for Their Money
The heroic Brian Wilson, radio host and program manager at Ohio’s WSPD, was canned from the station last month. The news report says, “Several public officials said they are glad to see him go.” That proves he was good. Check out his exciting new media project , where you will… Read More
Man of the Decade
My friend Anthony Gregory and I sometimes argue about whether the Left or the Right is closer to libertarianism or more likely to be sympathetic. I say the Right without the slightest hesitation, partly because that’s where I myself come from and partly because I… Read More
There Are No Social Security “Cuts”
Just slight cuts in the rate of growth in Social Security spending. And even those amount to about $2 per month for most recipients.
The Problems with Antitrust
Your anti-market friends are not going to listen to this lecture by Dom Armentano, author of Antitrust and Monopoly: Anatomy of a Policy Failure and professor emeritus at the University of Hartford. That’s not what it’s there for. It’s for you to listen to — while you’re cleaning your house or doing other… Read More