Bob Murphy discusses the problems with Thomas PIketty’s fashionable new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century .
For the full list of episodes, click here.
Ep. 158 The Fed and the 1%
The Mises Institute ‘s Mark Thornton joins Tom to discuss a recent article in the Financial Times, and why its recommendations for Fed policy will benefit the wealthiest at the expense of everyone else.
Ep. 157 Libertarianism Hijacked
Christopher Cantwell joins Tom to discuss recent efforts to make libertarianism “complete” by making it into something different.
Ep. 156 Against the Catastrophists
Ep. 155 How to Navigate Today’s Economy
How can you prosper in today’s economy? Tom talks strategies with Charles Hugh Smith, author of Get a Job, Build a Real Career, and Defy a Bewildering Economy . Check out Charles at Of Two Minds .
Ep. 154 Why Humanitarian Action Fails
Chris Coyne discusses his new book Doing Bad by Doing Good: Why Humanitarian Action Fails .
Ep. 153 Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware and More
Mike Church , host of the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM, joins Tom to talk early U.S. history: Washington’s famous crossing of the Delaware, and more.
Ep. 152 Pat Buchanan on Winston Churchill
Pat Buchanan , New York Times bestselling author of Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War , gives an iconoclastic account of Winston Churchill.
Ep. 151 The Myth of the Rule of Law
Professor John Hasnas of Georgetown University says the rule of law is a myth perpetrated by governments to make their populations more compliant. This is another have-your-mind-blown episode. Read “ The Myth of the Rule of Law ,” “ The Depoliticization of Law ,” and “ The Obviousness of Anarchy ” by Professor Hasnas.
Ep. 150 Teaching Liberty to Kids
Connor Boyack discusses the first — an adaptation of Bastiat’s The Law — in his new series of books intended to convey the ideas of liberty to children.