I prepared this page to accompany my video “Nullify the NDAA!”:
For the Tenth Amendment Center’s crucial work on NDAA nullification, click here. For a report on the bill that passed the Virginia legislature on February 28, 2012, click here.
For a systematic defense of nullification, including replies to common objections, see my “Nullification: Answering the Objections.”
For a basic overview of the subject in video form, see my speech to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association:
To get a sense of what it’s like to discuss nullification with the mainstream media, see my Interview with a Zombie:
My book Nullification, endorsed by Judge Andrew Napolitano, Prof. Walter Williams, and former congressman Barry Goldwater Jr., is available for a limited time for a mere ten smackers. If Amazon is out of those, here’s the regular-price page for the book.