How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century
by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Regnery Publishing, 2010
Nullification: Answering the Objections
Click here to order from Amazon.
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Click here to order the audiobook.
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“During these times that challenge our freedoms there is no one more qualified to make U.S. history relevant to the fight against big government than Thomas Woods. This book is a must read for all who cherish liberty.”
-Barry Goldwater Jr.
Former Member of Congress
“Thomas Jefferson said, ‘Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.’ It turns out that at least two thirds of congressional spending is absent of any constitutional authority. That means that at the very least, it is going to take the vigorous use of nullification to restore the American republic. Anyone in the Tea Party movement or elsewhere who really wants to limit government ought to start with this highly readable and informative book.”
-Walter E. Williams
John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics
George Mason University
“In clear and well-documented arguments, Tom Woods gives hope to those who wish to tame the federal monster as the Framers intended — by using the utterly lawful and historically accepted principle of nullification. You must read this book.”
-Hon. Andrew P. Napolitano
Senior Judicial Analyst
FOX News Channel
Related links:
Interview with a Zombie
Book Sales Climb as Nullification Taps National Psyche
Discussing Nullification on C-SPAN2
Freedom Watch, FOX Business, June 2010
Princeton professor all wrong on nullification; I set him right
New Book Coming — Smear Artists Ready
My best speech on nullification?
Speech on nullification to the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association
Left-of-center political science professor appreciates Nullification
(See also the relevant sections of the Articles and Audio/Video pages.)