Here’s some advice: if you’re going to take on the SJWs, come out swinging, stay on the offensive, and never apologize.
Case in point: my infamous zombie video.
If you haven’t seen it, click the link at the end. You want to see this. (Even if you have seen it, click on the link anyway, because you’ll love the blooper video, which is also there.)
In 2010 I released my book Nullification, which makes the historical, constitutional, and moral case for state nullification of unconstitutional federal laws. You can find out about that book at the zombie link, too.
I knew full well what was going to happen to me.
Woods is a terrible person! Anyone who speaks about the states opposing the federal government must support slavery! SLAVERY! Neo-Confederate!
No arguments, of course. Just this. Oh, and “racism.” Can’t forget that one.
Knowing what awaited me, I struck first.
I released “Interview With a Zombie.” The premise: a zombie has his own television talk show, on which he interviews authors. He can say only one word at a time.
No matter how detailed and sophisticated my arguments, his responses are always one word. “Racism.” “Slavery.” “Neo-Confederate.” You get the idea.
The video was a huge success. When the inevitable attacks on me did come, my supporters were all over the blog comments saying things like, “Why don’t you make an actual argument, zombie?”
Everyone watching that video had seen the phenomenon before. The video resonated with them. People who had never heard of me before began looking into my work.
And as for my critics: I was already laughing at them before they even had a moment to organize.
The Internet is the great equalizer: