David Stockman, himself of the Reagan Administration, recounts the horrific economic policies of recent administrations, describes their consequences, and proposes solutions. Hint: they include abolishing the Federal Open Market Committee, which the Fed uses to make monetary policy.
About the Guest
David Stockman, a former member of the U.S. Congress, served as chairman of the Office of Management and Budget under Ronald Reagan (1981-1985). Following a subsequent career on Wall Street, Stockman opened his own private equity fund company, Heartland Industrial Partners, in Greenwich, Connecticut.
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Book Discussed
Trumped!: A Nation on the Brink of Ruin…And How to Bring It Back
(This is the Kindle edition; the paperback comes out in a few weeks.)
Guest’s Other Book
David Stockman, The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
Get Your Free AudiobookGuest’s Website
David Stockman’s Contra Corner
Guest’s Twitter
Previous Appearances
Ep. 406 David Stockman: Progressive Defenses of Obamanomics Are Laughable
Ep. 299 The Keynesian Toolbox Is Empty
Ep. 185 Stockman on War and the Fed
Ep. 128 David Stockman on Keynes and the GOP
Ep. 66 David Stockman on Krugman, the Fed, and the Future
Other Podcast
Enjoy the Tom Woods Show? You’ll love my once-a-week podcast with Bob Murphy, Contra Krugman!
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