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Ep. 421 Doug Casey on Protecting Your Wealth Against Government, and Building a Free Country in Africa

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Investor and iconoclast Doug Casey returns to the show to discuss his negotiations to establish a free country in Africa — plus, he answers the questions you good listeners submitted via my Twitter account!

About the Guest

Doug Casey is the author of Crisis Investing, the biggest-selling investment book of all time. He is an international investor and entrepreneur, and founder and chairman of Casey Research.

Issues Discussed

— a free state in Africa?
— if Doug could begin again, would he go to college?
— where did his heterodox views come from?
— are there good investment opportunities in Cuba?
— what’s the easiest, most affordable way to relocate outside the United States?
— how does his asset and property protection strategy differ for rich clients as opposed to middle-class ones?

Books Mentioned

The Virtue of Selfishness, by Ayn Rand
Economics in One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt
How You Can Profit from the Coming Devaluation, by Harry Browne
The Market for Liberty, by Morris and Linda Tannehill

Guest’s Websites

Casey Research
The International Man

Guest’s Twitter


Guest’s Facebook

Casey Research

Previous Appearances

Ep. 391 Is Limited Government an Oxymoron?
Ep. 64 Doug Casey on the World

Related Episodes

Ep. 328 Peter Schiff on Investing, and What to Expect in 2015  (Peter Schiff)
Ep. 155 How to Navigate Today’s Economy (Charles Hugh Smith)
Ep. 103 Where Is the World Heading? (Richard Maybury)
Ep. 84 Peter Schiff on Investing (Peter Schiff)

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