We hear a lot of talk about “equality of opportunity.” But is there or could there be such a thing? This apparently benign idea, if taken seriously, would yield innumerable horrors, argues George Reisman in today’s episode.
About the Guest
George Reisman is professor emeritus of economics at Pepperdine University. He received his Ph.D. under the direction of Ludwig von Mises. He is the author of numerous books, most importantly his major treatise Capitalism.
Essay Discussed
Freedom of Opportunity Not Equality of Opportunity, by George Reisman
Other Works Mentioned
The Benevolent Nature of Capitalism and Other Essays, by George Reisman
Capitalism, by George Reisman
Guest’s Twitter
Guest’s Website
Previous Appearances
Ep. 286 Who Creates Jobs? (George Reisman)
Ep. 40 Will Robots Take Our Jobs? (George Reisman)
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