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Ep. 1063 Nat Turner’s Rebellion: Why a Historical Novel Was So Controversial

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Gene Epstein returns on the 50th anniversary of William Styron’s historical novel The Confessions of Nat Turner, the slave who led a famous revolt in Virginia. Since Styron was a white southerner who wrote a Nat Turner novel in the first person, you can imagine the reception he got in certain quarters. The whole episode tells us a great deal about American society and intellectual life.


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Articles Discussed

Where is Nat Turner?,” by Gene Epstein
Antiracism, Our Flawed New Religion,” by John McWhorter

Book Discussed

The Confessions of Nat Turner, by William Styron

Guest’s Book

Econospinning: How to Read Between the Lines When the Media Manipulate the Numbers

Guest’s Website

Debate Episode Mentioned

Ep. 551 Michael Malice and Tom Debate Hamilton in NYC

Previous Appearances

Ep. 1021 The Nobel Prize and Behavioral Economics: Anything Here for Austrians?
Ep. 983 Can We Really Measure the “Happiest” Countries?
Ep. 921 The Long History of Presidential Stupidity in Economics
Ep. 891 Fiscal Doomsday: When It’s Coming and What It Looks Like
Ep. 822 The Work of Thomas Sowell: An Appreciation
Ep. 728 Can Libertarians Make a Decent Case for Free Trade?
Ep. 704 Adam Smith, Not the Founder of Economic Science
Ep. 634 The Economic Freedom of the World: What the Numbers Tell Us
Ep. 473 Does the Economy Do Better Under the Democrats, and Has Obama Been Better Than Reagan?
Ep. 462 We Found a Major Flaw in the Egalitarian Argument
Ep. 450 Noam Chomsky Led Me to Libertarianism, Says Guest

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Audio by Chris Williams Audio.

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