Over at EconomicPolicyJournal, Robert Wenzel is taking Herman Cain’s advice: During various campaign stops, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has suggested that there is no need for another audit of the Fed, that sufficient audits have been conducted. He also has said that if there… Read More
Monica Lewinsky, Recluse
The Daily Mail headline says it all: “‘A social pariah’: How lonely Monica Lewinsky has failed to find happiness…and is STILL the butt of lewd Clinton jokes.”
6 Habits of Highly Annoying Public Speakers
We’ve all had to sit through this kind of thing before. Read this hilarious critique of the classic annoying public speaker. N.b.: some rough language. (Thanks to John Delano for the link.)
Calling All Polite, Rational Cain Supporters
Paper Money Collapse
What looks to be an interesting new book was released over the past several days, called Paper Money Collapse: The Folly of Elastic Money and the Coming Monetary Breakdown . The author spent many years in the financial sector, and is here promoting an Austrian perspective on our current situation.
The Gullible, Naive Right Wing
Well, at least the phony neoconservative variety. In his book Washington Rules , Andrew Bacevich, with me a contributing editor of The American Conservative , puts his finger on Americans’ (though especially neocons’) eagerness to embrace fantasy and propaganda when it comes to foreign affairs: As a boy growing up… Read More
What Ron Paul Should Say
I would urge a (probably shorter) variant of this: “We have just experienced one of the worst financial disasters in history. If we think we can prevent a repeat of this by reforming the tax code and repealing a few regulations, we have lost our… Read More
What Herman Cain’s Straw Poll Victory Means
Herman Cain won the Florida straw poll this weekend with 37% of the vote. Cain’s Facebook page, which I checked out following the news of his victory, is full of people who consider him a breath of fresh air. Most of them say they can’t… Read More
The Myth of Science as a Public Good
The feed-at-the-government-trough scientific establishment hates a truth-teller like Terence Kealey, who makes mincemeat of every argument you’ve ever heard for government science funding. His work had a major impact on my treatment of the subject in Rollback .
The Only Person I Pay to Read
If I told you I knew someone who wrote four articles a day — you read that right — Monday through Saturday, and had been doing so for years, you probably wouldn’t believe me. Still less would you be inclined to think one person could… Read More