I assembled this resource page to accompany my video “Democrats Warn: Beware Ron Paul!”
Here is the article from Democrats.org that my video is referring to. In item number one, it claims as follows:
“Ron Paul admitted that a low flat tax would be ‘punishing to the poor and middle class’—but supports it anyway. In 2007, when a reporter told Rep. Paul that a flat tax would harm the middle class, he replied, ‘Well, I know. That’s why I don’t want it.’ (NBC, Meet The Press, 12/23/2007) But by 2011, the Congressman had flip-flopped, saying he’d like to offer taxpayers the chance to pay a flat rate of 10 percent if they agree to receive no government services in return.”
Here’s the truth. See the third item down. As you can see, Dr. Paul was talking in 2007 about a 30% flat tax, not a “low flat tax.”
On the auto bailouts, the relevant question is: compared to what? Compared to letting a competent company take over its assets, the option that the politically driven bailout foreclosed? See also Dan Ikenson’s article.
On gold, recessions, and the economy, see this article and this article, as well as the relevant portion of this resource page.
On Social Security, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, see John Attarian, “The Roots of the Social Security Myth.”
Finally, on the distinction between default and not raising the debt ceiling, see the work of economist Robert P. Murphy, as well as his recent article “The Case Against Raising the Debt Ceiling.”
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