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New Woods Book on Sale Monday — Here’s a Review
A Seven-Year Plan: Read the Great Books
My friend Jason Jewell, who heads the department of humanities at Faulkner University, has made a commitment to read the 60-volume Great Books of the Western World series, and is beginning with the additional Gateway to the Great Books (another ten volumes). Here’s his post laying out the… Read More
Nullification: Answers to Objections
Here’s the most systematic reply I have written to the various objections, serious and silly, raised against state nullification.
Idaho ABC Station Treats Nullification Fairly
So it is possible after all. Idaho’s ABC channel 6 (KIVI) ran this report on Nullification last Sunday. (Begins after a 15-second commercial.)
Pictures from a Meat Locker
Posting these for the heck of it. A slightly heavier Tom Woods visits Van Wie Natural Foods in 2004. Here I am with Richard Van Wie. Now it’s just me and the beef.
Big Media: Beware Meanie Tom Woods
The media unloaded on nullification and on me the other day, naturally trying to portray me as a sinister figure with bad intentions. Following a ludicrous summary of my career and views, the AP called me simply a “Kansas-based author,” not thinking it relevant, I… Read More
Events Coming Soon
My site has just been given a face lift, and the last thing to be done is my Events page. For now, I’ll just remind people that I’m speaking tonight at the University of Wisconsin, Madison . The rest of the events will be back up soon.
Nullification, the Media, and Idaho
Don’t Listen to Jefferson
I don’t know who Paul Zummo is, but I know he wrote this . It’s the usual arguments against nullification, as if no replies to them existed. He tries to claim, first, that James Madison, in the Virginia Resolutions of 1798, wasn’t calling for nullification; he was… Read More