Here’s Michael Boldin, showing how it’s done. Making a Protester’s Head Explode from Tenth Amendment Center on Vimeo .
Report from New Hampshire
The Nullify Now event at Southern New Hampshire University was, as expected, a big success. This was the first time protesters showed up to one of our events. They thought we were funded by Koch money or something. (That’s typical of how tone-deaf I generally… Read More
Matt Yglesias, Commissar
It says a lot — none of it good — about our society that a nonentity like Matt Yglesias is considered a leading pundit. He is really the worst kind of leftist, the commissar who monitors opinion so he may appropriately scold anyone who deviates… Read More
On the Importance of Charity
When dealing with opponents. A lesson we would all do well to remind ourselves of from time to time.
This Guy Is Going Places
Jack Hunter, co-author of Rand Paul’s The Tea Party Goes to Washington , is someone to watch. Check out this profile .
Financial Sense Newshour
This is my third time on Financial Sense Newshour, Jim Puplava’s widely hailed program. Apart from TV appearances, on no other outlet have I received more feedback from listeners. Lots of people listen to Jim, and for good reason, as you’ll see.
Interview at CPAC
On Ron Paul, the Fed, nullification, and more. Also, a plug for Rollback , my new title!
See You in New Hampshire (and Something for Michigan)
This Saturday I’ll be speaking at Nullify Now’s New Hampshire event, along with a bunch of very good speakers. Get the details . For those of you in or around Kalamazoo, Michigan, there’s a free seminar on economics for high school students this Saturday. Two Mises Institute scholars,… Read More
Get Your Zombie Gear!
Next time you’re attacked by blockheads who can’t answer your arguments, you’ll already be laughing at them with this new line of Zombie T-shirts, sweatshirts, mouse pads, mugs, and stickers. Check it out ! (If you don’t get the reference, see our infamous video .)
The New Deal: Not What You Learned in High School
My seven-week online course on the New Deal begins tonight. Hope to see you there! Here’s a brief discussion of what it will cover: