So says CNBC. The piece is generally sound, except for this: “The news comes as the Federal Reserve considers whether the economy has regained enough strength to stand on its own.” This takes for granted, as if no proof were required, that Fed activities have helped… Read More
Welcome, C-SPAN Viewers!
Thanks for stopping by my site. To read a free chapter of Rollback , the book I discussed in my most recent appearance on Book TV, click here . To listen to the chapter, click here . To find out more about the book, click here .
Robert Reich, Propagandist
Economist Robert P. Murphy, whose blog you should read, responds to Robert Reich’s widely viewed propaganda video . Reich gets everything backwards, as usual.
The Panic of 2008: A Free-Market Dissent
A documentary based on my book Meltdown (read a free chapter ) is in the works. (Check out the site and join the Facebook page !) Here’s the raw footage of the interview with Peter Schiff that will be drawn from for the finished product. Beware the Heretic!
Here’s my latest video, on the piece “Five Things You Should Know About Ron Paul.” And here’s the resource page to accompany it.
Woods on C-SPAN2 This Weekend
My speech to the Gallatin County (Montana) GOP will air this Sunday on C-SPAN2 at 8:00am and 10:00pm Eastern time. I discuss Rollback . If you enjoy this blog, I think you will like my remarks.
The Real Herman Cain
My latest video. And here’s the resource page I mention.
How Not to Write a Book
My erstwhile colleague Chris Ferrara has written a book called The Church and the Libertarian, which is in fact an attack on the Austrian School of economics. If you know the author’s other work, it is what you would expect. Now comes Tony Flood, who… Read More
The Great American Political Spectrum — All 2.7 Inches
Noam Chomsky correctly observes, “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that… Read More
Nullification: The Movie
The heroic Foundation for a Free Society is producing a documentary on nullification . Here’s a trailer: