A not-absurd article on Ron Paul in Time magazine. Thanks to Lew Rockwell for pointing out a link where we can read it online .
Austrian Economics: Why It Matters
Here’s a local financial show I did while in Wheeling, West Virginia for a speech not long ago. (Note: was just alerted to a strange editing problem at 3:45; turns out this was an error on my end, and I have no idea where it… Read More
Defense of Paul, Smackdown of Spectator
Kevin Gutzman and I made mincemeat of poor, anti-Ron Paul Jeffrey Lord on the Mike Church Show today. Listen !
Woods/Gutzman to Defend Ron Paul on Mike Church
Kevin Gutzman and I will be on the Mike Church Show on Sirius/XM Patriot 125 tomorrow at 8:30am ET to discuss Jeffrey Lord’s anti-Ron Paul article in the American Spectator. It’s going to be ugly and fun at the same time, folks. If you don’t subscribe to Sirius/XM, you can listen in by… Read More
My Role in the Super PAC
Just to clarify: I am the chairman not of Revolution PAC per se but of its advisory board . I do not post on its Facebook page (except under my own name) or compose tweets for its Twitter account . I write signed blog entries, I write press releases, and I provide ideas… Read More
Greenspan Admits He Was Deliberately Evasive
“Syntax destruction,” he calls it. So it turns out that critics of the Fed weren’t crazy crackpots after all — former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan was in fact incomprehensible in his congressional testimony. Thanks to Bob Murphy for the link. And here’s Joe Salerno on the economic thought, if you… Read More
Ron Paul and the New York Times
A correspondent writes: Dr. Paul was not included in this NYT article yesterday, so I sent a note to the reporter, Sarah Wheaton, chiding her for excluding him. I was surprised to get this message back from her last night: “I wrote to ron paul’s spokesman to ask for… Read More
Lightning Strikes Woods House
I haven’t been posting for the past few days because when we returned from an out-of-town speaking event on Saturday night we found that the wiring in our house had taken a hit by lightning. Internet, satellite TV, part of our central air conditioning system,… Read More
The Pentagon’s Fake Jihadists
See the item at The American Conservative. (Thanks to John Frahm.)