If you’re looking for my usual jokes and banter, this one doesn’t have them. I delivered it during the Mises Institute’s week-long Mises University summer program for students. But it replies to a common objection often raised against those of us who would abolish the… Read More
Austrian to Debate Keynesian
Robert P. Murphy will debate Karl Smith of UNC Chapel Hill this Friday, September 2, at 6pm ET. “Resolved: Government Spending Can Play an Important Role in Boosting Economic Growth.” Want to watch this debate live? Sign up !
Ron at His Best
He cuts through the propaganda without mercy on Fox News Sunday. Can you imagine other candidates answering that question about FEMA so forthrightly and with such principle? No plastic man is going to give you an answer like that. Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com
Austrian Economics: Why It Matters (Update)
I’ve repaired the small glitch in the previous version of this video of a local financial program I did while passing through West Virginia.
AmSpec Ron Paul Critic Accidentally Condemns Own Boss
Now this is funny. It turns out that American Spectator senior editor Angelo Codevilla is a foreign-policy noninterventionist , the very position Jeffrey Lord tried (without a shred of success, as I showed in my video response ) in that very magazine to identify with left-liberalism. So, Mr. Lord, is your own editor… Read More
News Flash: Liars Lie About Foreign Policy, Too
Ron Paul Should Expect (and Prepare for) Attacks
At the next debate. We can almost predict what they’ll be. Snappy answers delivered with authority are necessary and non-negotiable, says this on-target post at the Daily Paul.
American Spectator Dead Wrong About Ron Paul
You know that article by Jeffrey Lord that’s been touted on the radio shows of Mark Levin, Michael Medved, and Rush Limbaugh? It’s toast. (For more on the Left, war, and intervention, see my 33 Questions About American History You’re Not Supposed to Ask .)
Time Magazine: “The Prophet”
A not-absurd article on Ron Paul in Time magazine. Thanks to Lew Rockwell for pointing out a link where we can read it online .
Austrian Economics: Why It Matters
Here’s a local financial show I did while in Wheeling, West Virginia for a speech not long ago. (Note: was just alerted to a strange editing problem at 3:45; turns out this was an error on my end, and I have no idea where it… Read More