I’m filling in for Peter Schiff again on Tuesday, while Peter testifies before Congress. Tune in from 10am-12pm ET!
Speaking at University of Colorado, Boulder
Talking 9/11 and Civil Liberties on FOX Business
The great Mike Church and I appeared with Judge Napolitano Friday night.
Why Posts Are Sparse
My schedule in New York is pretty tight. I had two law school events today, plus a meet-and-greet hosted by Murray and Florence Sabrin. Tomorrow (Friday) I’ve got a noonish interview, a Freedom Watch appearance, and another meet-and-greet. Then Saturday is LibertyFest , preceded by a… Read More
AmSpec Writer, Smashed, Comes Back for More
I understand Jeffrey Lord has another attack on Ron Paul (and me) over at the American Spectator. Naturally this happens when I am about to catch a plane and head to New York for three days of events. I guess he is upset that some… Read More
Live Q&A Tonight!
I’ll be doing a live Q&A at the LibertyFest website at 9pm ET tonight. These are always fun. UPDATE: We are up and running.
Speaking in New York, New Jersey, and Colorado
My speaking schedule for the fall is very light so far, but the next ten days will be busy: September 8, 12:00pm: Columbia Law School, Jerome Green Hall, Room 107; corner of Amsterdam and 116th Street; September 8, 4:00pm: Rutgers School of Law, 123 Washington… Read More
On David Bahnsen
Morgan Stanley’s David Bahnsen, a confirmed Bushite, doesn’t like Ron Paul. We get it. He does like Paul Wolfowitz and John Bolton, which gives you a sense of what his endorsements are worth. He supports the bipartisan foreign-policy consensus, and holds fairly conventional views about… Read More