Glenn Jacobs, best known as the enormously popular WWE wrestler Kane, is also a Misesian and a fixture of the liberty movement. He’s currently running for mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, and he joins us to discuss the campaign. Sponsor Skillshare is an online learning… Read More
Archives for August 2017
Ep. 972 James Damore’s Firing at Google, and Libertarian Confusion
As you likely know by now, Google fired James Damore after he wrote an internal memo questioning the assumption that all human differences are due to social conditioning. There is no “libertarian position” on this per se; Google obviously may hire and fire as it… Read More
Certain Libertarians (Guess Who) Cheer That Firing at Google
Today’s Tom Woods Letter, which all the influential people receive every weekday. Be one of them . By now you’ve probably heard of James Damore, that highly credentialed fellow at Google who was fired after writing a post (on an internal discussion board) critical of the cult of “diversity,”… Read More
Ep. 971 Jury Nullification at Work: Free Speech Trumps Statute, Jury Concludes
Dennis Fusaro, a longtime political consultant and grassroots activist, found himself in a legal battle for over a year because of what he considers the erratic application of unjust laws that curtail freedom of speech. The jury found him not guilty, in what appears to… Read More
Ep. 970 The Real George Orwell
George Orwell has been a mystery to a great many readers. What did he truly believe? Was he a thoroughgoing socialist yet anti-totalitarian? David Ramsay Steele, author of a new book on Orwell, joins me to get to the bottom of it. Sponsor Need a… Read More
Ep. 969 Where Do Rights Come From?
In this episode I review the history of rights theories in the West from the Middle Ages through the 20th century. Expect to hear about the medieval canonists, the late scholastics, John Locke, Murray Rothbard, and Hans Hoppe, among others. Liberty Classroom Learn the history… Read More
Ep. 968 Why Liberty Is So Hard to Sell — And Can We Do Anything About It?
Ep. 967 The Failure in Iraq: A Whistleblowing Eyewitness to the “Reconstruction” of Iraq
Peter van Buren, a 24-year veteran of the State Department, spent a year in Iraq as Team Leader for two Provincial Reconstruction Teams. When you hear what the U.S. government — which had destroyed much of the country and completely undermined its civil society —… Read More
Ep. 966 Left-Libertarians and Their Endless Moral Outrage
Mises Institute president Jeff Deist, who was Ron Paul’s last chief of staff, delivered an excellent and well-received talk at the Corax libertarian conference in Malta last week. As usual, though, emotional hypochondria got the better of a small group of left- and establishment libertarians, who are… Read More
Ep. 965 Take Off That Che Guevara Shirt (Plus: Venezuela)
It somehow became fashionable among young people to wear shirts depicting a murderer. One supposes the same indulgence would not be extended to shirts depicting non-leftist murderers (if such shirts existed, which they don’t). Federico Fernandez is behind an effort to take down the statue… Read More