When I was but a pup, I had a terrifying experience.
I was at a Barnes & Noble to do a book signing. I told my family I wouldn’t be long.
When I got there, I was greeted by a friendly store manager, who told me where I’d be signing, and that C-SPAN would be setting up in the corner.
Say what?
Evidently C-SPAN was expecting me to speak for an hour. My publisher had left that part out.
I had nothing prepared, and I was expected to speak on television for an hour. That meets anyone’s definition of a terrifying public speaking situation.
The funny thing? I managed to give an engaging talk for an hour without notes, and it was this experience that taught me by and large to ditch the notes in the future.
Not everyone is ready for so radical a step. I get it. So I’ve recorded my public speaking tips, acquired over a 20+ year career, and added them as a bonus to an extremely valuable video software called Create that’s hundreds of smackers cheaper than the Camtasia software I used to create my Liberty Classroom courses.
I cover:
- conquering your fears
- what you should never tell an audience
- why it’s a mistake to try to suppress your anxiety
- why you shouldn’t necessarily “start with a joke”
- the best way to start your talk, especially if you’re a beginner
- how to organize your talk
- my “greatest hits” model of speechwriting
- four ways to improve your confidence level
- should you regulate your hand gestures?
- should you use PowerPoint?
- how to improve as a speaker
I’m including this bonus in particular because many of my tips also work even if you’re just making videos, and there’s no in-person audience.
And in my experience, people who use video — even screencast videos — trounce people who don’t, in terms of online income, audience size, engagement, you name it.
When I told Jason Jewell about Create just before our live Liberty Classroom Q&A session last night, he had the correct response: how can I get a copy?
Tonight at midnight, though, the entire offer is being withdrawn until later this year, when it will reappear at a much higher price. Get your hands on it before tragedy strikes: