My free eBook outlining specific steps for five separate ways to earn an online income will be available in just a couple of weeks. It’s packed with information, and step-by-step instructions for how to do the very things I myself do online. I’m really happy with it.
In the meantime, I think what I’m about to tell you is one of the best ideas I’ve had all year. If I were just starting out, or needed to earn extra income, or were a student looking for a way to earn money other than waiting tables, here is what I would do.
So many local businesses would love to have a mobile app, but they assume they need to be in the Fortune 500 to afford one.
I myself know exactly zero about designing mobile apps.
But in this day and age, that doesn’t matter. A new app design software, called Zapable, has now made it possible for virtually anyone to design really great apps. For example, an app for a local restaurant would make it possible for people to place take-out orders or even make reservations. An app for a local bar would make it possible for the manager to send out text notifications telling people about a two for one drink special, or ladies night.
Think that might bring in extra customers? Think it might make those establishments stand out?
Zapable makes the process of creating apps drag-and-drop simple. It is yet another example of what I keep telling people: the opportunities to make a living online are so abundant, you’d almost have to make an effort to miss them.
I myself would design an app for a local business before even speaking to them about it. Then I would bring it in to them and show them what it could do. I think that would get me a lot of sales. And the money is extremely good.
Now it’s true that there are app development companies out there, but how many of those have the businesses in your town ever heard of? Zero. How many app companies will be personally visiting businesses in your town, as you could? Same number.
The latest version of Zapable launches on Tuesday. For now, click here for a couple of revealing case studies of how ordinary people have used it. It’ll get the wheels turning in your head, I guarantee you.
I would jump on this in particular if I were a student. Everyone assumes young people are terrific with technology. I would approach a local business with an app designed, and I would be well dressed. A slob is not going to make a sale, even though that’s how a lot of people dress these days.
Anyway, check out the case studies and see what you think. This seems like a winner to me.