My latest, at the Revolution PAC website. A sample:
There is a temptation (not shared by us) to portray Ron Paul as another plain vanilla conservative Republican who favors low taxes and balanced budgets. But a key principle of marketing is differentiation. There is no point in going to the trouble and expense of producing a television ad that Michele Bachmann could also have produced. Ron Paul is not an older, male Michele Bachmann. If we pitch him that way, we will give voters no reason not to vote for the actual Michele Bachmann.
Our efforts to promote Ron Paul will differentiate him from the pack at every turn. Our full-page ad in the Ames Tribune emphasized his prophetic remarks on the economy, his willingness to speak unpopular truths, and his consistent and unmatched track record of fidelity to individual rights and the Constitution.
And for people frustrated with Congress – i.e., everybody – we added that Ron Paul has stood up to that entire body by voting no all by himself more than all other congressmen combined. His arm cannot be twisted, and he is incorruptible.
This is what people most urgently need to know about him, and it’s what we intend to tell them, relentlessly.
Can you help us?
Be assured that contrary to what goes on in the rest of the political world, and indeed in the very Super PACs to which Revolution PAC will be compared, no one here is making six-figure salaries or will surprise you with mysterious five- and six-figure expense reimbursements in FEC reports. We are regular Americans, each of whom has a track record of support for Dr. Paul and what he stands for.
Remember, there are no donation caps for a Super PAC. Mitt Romney has raised many millions through his own Super PAC, with fewer than 90 donors. Do you suppose those people sent him that money out of a deep philosophical commitment to whatever middle-of-the-road so-called principles he was embracing that week? Can you even ask the question with a straight face?
A better question is: what can we do, and how much can we raise, not because we hope for special favors and a spot on the gravy train, but because we know that what Ron Paul stands for is morally and economically right – and urgently necessary for the health of our country?