Everyone’s talking about income inequality, and I thought this article by Robert Higgs — “ Nineteen Neglected Consequences of Income Redistribution ” — was worth an episode’s worth of commentary. Here are the resources for today’s episode: Books Mentioned Frederick Bastiat, The Law . At this link you can get a free e-book… Read More
For the full list of episodes, click here.
Ep. 297 The International Man on How, Where, and Why to Diversify
Nick Giambruno, senior editor of InternationalMan.com , a Doug Casey publication, joined me to discuss international diversification, and why it isn’t just for investments or for the rich. Some topics discussed: What’s the tax secret about living in Puerto Rico? Why is Doug Casey interested in… Read More
Ep. 296 Maximize Your Results, Minimize Your Time: Five Tips for Learning Liberty
In the course of today’s episode I mentioned a number of books I consider indispensable. Here are a few of them: The Revolution: A Manifesto , by Ron Paul. This is a good one for beginners. It has a good track record as a proselytizing device. It’s what I… Read More
Ep. 295 Anarchy, History, Homeschooling, and More
Tom talks to Jeff Berwick about history, education, homeschooling, how to win people over, and more. Check out Jeff’s show, Anarchast, at Anarchast.com .
Ep. 294 Tom on the African-American Conservatives Show
Tom discusses a variety of issues as a guest on African-American Conservatives .
Ep. 293 Tolkien and Liberty
Jay Richards, co-author of The Hobbit Party: The Vision of Freedom that Tolkien Got, and the West Forgot , talks Tolkien and liberty.
Ep. 292 Anarchy and the Law
Tom talks to Gary Chartier about his book Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society (Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Ep. 291 Japan: Failed Keynesian Experiment
Bob Murphy joins Tom to discuss the Keynesian disaster in Japan.
Ep. 290 From A to Z in 30 Minutes
Tom discusses the libertarian/conservative divide, plus politics, self-publishing, podcasting, and more as a guest on Matt Lewis and the News .
Ep. 289 Austrian Economics vs. the Mainstream
Randall Holcombe discusses his most recent book, Advanced Introduction to Austrian Economics . Plus, Tom offers a surprise giveaway.