I spoke to Eric Peters on my show recently and he answered some interesting listener questions. In invited people to submit their questions on my Facebook page (have you ‘liked’ it yet?). Here they are, with the interview at the very end.
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“Why did my 30 year old (at the time) 1971 V8 Plymouth get the same gas mileage as ‘modern’ fuel-efficient vehicles? 30ish MPG.”
“I’d ask him about government regulation on fuel efficiency – Does such regulation really help improve efficiency, or would the free market accomplish that on its own without interference?”
“Ask him why he believes the myths and outdated information about Ethanol. Also ask him about Ethanol vapor fuel systems that get 100+ miles per gallon from Ethanol produced from bio waste.”
“I’m interested in small European towns’ experiments in doing without traffic lights, etc.”
“What do you think about self-driving cars?”
“Natural Gas and Propane are both superior fuels to petrol in regard to pollution and price. Why can’t we get a good car on the market that use these fuels?”
“What are your favorite cars and why? (Not ones you’d buy if you had $250,000 to spend.”
“Why is the Volkswagen XL1, which gets 300mpg, not available in the U.S.?”
“You might ask him why he’s so down on Tesla (from what I see at his website) given that the Tesla Model S is deemed the safest car on the road and nobody can touch its technology.”
“I’d ask him about the “black boxes” in cars. How they are there to give info to the car manufacturers and insurance companies to be used against you in case of wrecks. And if there is a way to disable them.”
“What should the ‘rules of the road’ be?”
“Foreign cars, especially Honda and Toyota, are perceived to be better quality than American cars. Is that really the case still?…What what can the government stop doing to revive american auto manufacturing?”
“Can you discuss the Ford Pinto and the suspicion that Ford had been aware of the fire hazard but ignored the safety issue in order to sell more cars?”