Over on Facebook (have you liked my page?) I shared a picture promoting a project to get a new kids’ biography of Ron Paul into people’s local schools. Some people think it’s a great idea. Others are saying a biography of Ron Paul promotes a cult of personality around the man, and that we should instead donate books that promote his philosophy.
I can’t agree with these critics at all. Kids respond to personal examples, not to disembodied philosophies. As they get older, give them The Revolution: A Manifesto. But when they’re young, start them off with the example of a virtuous man. It is possible to admire a virtuous man without involving oneself in a cult of personality.
Why would it be preferable to hand over the biography section of the school library to the world’s scoundrels?
Also, kids imitate people and things. Would it be so terrible if kids followed the example of someone who stuck to his principles even with the whole world against him?