George Soros, who among many other things bankrolls the left-nationalist thought-control site ThinkProgress, gave a lecture on economic thought the other day. Ouch. Soros said, “Friedrich Hayek is generally regarded as the apostle of a brand of economics which holds that the market will assure the optimal allocation of… Read More
Keynes v. Hayek: Round II
In case you just woke up and haven’t checked your Facebook feed or the blog, here’s another killer video by John Papola, who brought us “Fear the Boom and Bust.” A beardless Joe Salerno plays Mises.
W. Virginia GOP: Everything Is Fine; Don’t Change a Thing
That’s all I can conclude from this recent poll , which finds Mike Huckabee leading the pack of GOP contenders. Exactly zero would change under Huckabee: same bipartisan foreign policy, same budget, same entitlements, same everything. So the GOP is evidently pretty bullish on the country after all… Read More
Nullification and the Thought Controllers
I spoke to Judge Napolitano about Nullification tonight on FOX Business. Watch the latest video at
Dave Ramsey Takes High Road, Ridicules Schiff’s Father
Yes, Dave Ramsey is good when it comes to getting out of debt, but here we see how in over his head he really is. Not to mention being a vicious jerk, which I didn’t realize until I saw this video.
Pulitzer Prize Awarded to Soviet Apologist
Courtesy of Kevin Gutzman, a “distinguished research professor” writes on an email list in excitement about Eric Foner’s Pulitzer Prize: “If I may add my two cents — Eric Foner is no ivory tower scholar. His Lincoln, like his other works, reflects his own commitments… Read More
ThinkSoros on Gary Johnson
Former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson launched his 2012 presidential campaign today. The commissars of approved opinion instantly condemned him for deviating from the Biden/Romney spectrum. Like Ron Paul, Johnson has had some favorable things to say about state nullification, which was used in the 1850s to fight against… Read More
Fifteen Minutes With Ron Paul
Here’s my interview with Congressman Ron Paul from earlier today. For the whole show, which also featured Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute , as well as the podcasts from the other Schiff show I hosted this week, click here .
Schiff Podcasts!
Here are the podcasts from the Peter Schiff Show episodes I hosted this week: Monday, April 18: Part 1 , Part 2 (guests Robert Wenzel and C.J. Maloney ) Wednesday, April 20: Part 1 , Part 2 (guests Ron Paul and Gerald Celente )
Guests Wednesday: Ron Paul and Gerald Celente
I’ll be guest hosting the Peter Schiff Show again tomorrow (Wednesday), when my guests will be Congressman Ron Paul — whose book Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues that Affect Our Freedom was released today — and the Trends Research Institute ‘s Gerald Celente. Listen live from 10:00am-12:00pm Eastern time.