Adam Serwer at the American Prospect writes : Recently, Cato’s C. Bradley Thompson wrote about neoconservatism, saying that neoconservatives “are and always have been, by contrast, defenders of the post–New Deal welfare state.” Other than David Frum, I’m not aware of too many conservatives who have offered… Read More
Live Q&A With Me Tonight
I’ll be taking your questions live at 9:00pm in the chat box at . The chat is limited to 100 people. Hope to see you there!
Beware the Robber Barons, and More Tales of Capitalism
On Brainwashing and Manipulation
Joshua Katz writes: In your splendid essay on LRC today, I feel a need to ask about a minor quibble which, admittedly, does not rise to the level of a threat to your thesis. In number 8, you make short work of the idea that advertising can brainwash… Read More
Twitter Critic Strikes Back
My anti-capitalist Twitter critic , whose arguments I have addressed this week ( 1 , 2 ), has tweeted: “good work..and thx but again these are only your opinions…I will post/reply in due time… nothing that you are disproving” “BTW Zorro fought for the poor against the don’t think… Read More
More Anti-Capitalist Complaints
I continue the dismantling of my anti-capitalist Twitter critic.
Do I Indoctrinate People After All?
Daniel writes: Regarding your recent post on , I wanted to let you know I thought it funny your critic attacked you for that presentation on economics and American history you gave. You see, that same presentation (which I ran across on youtube) first introduced me to the… Read More
Big Liberty Event in New York City
On September 10 I’ll be speaking in New York (venue TBA) alongside Peter Schiff , Mike Church , Jack Hunter , and other great speakers at LibertyFest II . Tickets half off through Wednesday. Should be great. See you there!