My latest, at the Revolution PAC website. A sample: There is a temptation (not shared by us) to portray Ron Paul as another plain vanilla conservative Republican who favors low taxes and balanced budgets. But a key principle of marketing is differentiation. There is no point in… Read More
You’ve Got Questions, I Have Answers
One night during this year’s Mises University, the annual week-long summer program hosted by the Mises Institute , I was a guest on Liberty Belles Radio, a new podcast hosted by two Auburn locals. Lots of topics covered. Enjoy .
The Only Candidate to Predict the Economic Crisis
Is the only one who can fix it. That’s one of the themes our Revolution Super PAC seeks to hammer into the American consciousness. Here’s one of our billboards in Iowa: Remember, there are no donation caps on Super PACs. Please help us get the message out… Read More
Entrepreneur of Ideas
Lew Rockwell graciously permitted me to interview him on his own podcast, The Lew Rockwell Show, several days ago. Lew, as Robert Wenzel notes, is one of the great entrepreneurs of libertarian ideas. Here we talk about all kinds of things: how he first became… Read More
It’s My Birthday — Help Me Celebrate
Well, I turn 39 today, and kind birthday wishes have begun to pour in. What would I like for my birthday? There is a lot of free material — articles, YouTubes, mp3 files — of mine available on the Internet. If you have ever benefited… Read More
Ron Paul and Israel
Michael Makovi writes: There is a strong current in the Israeli right wing for Israel to stop accepting American money. The (decidedly statist) late Rabbi Meir Kahane advocated this, the presently living (and libertarian) Moshe Feiglin of the Manhighut Yehudit (“Jewish Leadership”) faction of the… Read More
Economic Cycles Before the Fed
Yesterday at Mises University I spoke on “Economic Cycles Before the Fed,” and prepared a page with some useful links for students who were interested. If this is something that interests you, here is that page .
The Scam of the Budget Talks
Writes Jeff Deist: Federal revenues…were about $2.1T in FY10, and they appear on track to be about the same for FY11. So assuming fedgov collects the same $2.1T in FY12, Congress simply needs to adopt the 2003 budget. That’s it. That’s all it takes to… Read More
Keep Digging That Hole
The Real James Madison
Coming February 14, 2012, a non-hagiographical biography of James Madison, by the great Kevin Gutzman .