So Ron Paul can’t speak at the Republican Convention, but the neocons will air a tribute video about him that will portray him pretty much as the hangers-on themselves have always tried to portray him: as a good budget-balancer who wants transparency at the Fed. Writes Lew Rockwell:
The video will talk about Ron as a wonderful family man who delivered 4,000 babies; a long-term fighter for lower spending, a balanced budget, and Fed transparency, just like Romney and Ryan; a great congressional baseball player; and a super guy.
Austrian economics? War? Interventionism? The CIA? Militarism? The police state? Corporatism? Torture? Concentration camps? Sound money? Sound banking? Secret arrests and imprisonment? What are those? Oh, and Ron, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
When we find out who negotiated this pathetic deal, maybe we ought to criticize this person, instead of pretending for the gazillionth time that it’s all part of a secret plan to win the nomination, and that those of us on the outside should keep our mouths shut, since we’re not privy to all the inside information, etc.