Here . Adam Kokesh and I have subsequently made our own videos:
Archives for 2011
It’s Not Christmas Without…
…Perry Como, at least in the Woods household. It was Perry Como and the Ray Conniff Singers in my house as I grew up, and that’s what we like around this time of year now that I have a family of my own. My favorites… Read More
Don’t You Dare Wish Me a Merry Christmas
Michael Boldin, founder of the heroic Tenth Amendment Center , reports that he’s never received more angry replies from an email sent by his organization than to this nice Christmas appeal: THANK YOU. Making the transition to a fulltime grassroots activist a few years ago has brought with… Read More
The Founding Fathers Guide to the Constitution
Now shipping from Amazon:
The Ron Paul Newsletters
I don’t have any particular insight into the newsletter issue, having been in high school and college at the time, but I’ll share a few thoughts in light of all the requests I’ve been getting. Jamie Kirchick wonders why libertarians “don’t care” about the newsletters.… Read More
The Two-Minute Case for Ron Paul
I made this video both for its own sake and to provide a model of what I think would be a good caucus speech for Ron Paul. (One supporter of each candidate gets to give a roughly two-minute speech at each of the caucuses.)
Iowa Governor: Ignore Ron Paul Caucus Win
One Exciting, Principled Leader Endorses Another
Dole endorses Romney. I’d love to live in a country whose people were awake enough that the endorsement of a middle-of-the-road, no-principles, Establishment man would be a liability.
Was Jefferson a Socialist?
Someone on my Facebook fan page asked about a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to James Madison on October 28, 1785. The person said his leftist friends were waving this letter around as evidence that Jefferson was some kind of semi-socialist wealth redistributionist. I contacted my friend Marco Bassani,… Read More
Subliminal Messages in Pro-Paul Speech
I have to admit, I got a kick out of this. One of the entrants in Operation Stump for Paul, which invited people to submit sample Iowa caucus speeches, submitted a serious entry and a not-so-serious entry. Here’s the latter. (Entrants knew I would be… Read More