UPDATE: We just concluded the third in-person meeting of the Tom Woods Mastermind, this time in Las Vegas.
That concludes a full year of the mastermind — and, revealingly, every single person in that room renewed for another year.
And why wouldn’t they? Two members have just entered into a potentially multimillion-dollar partnership. Another says he’s seen a substantial increase in sales (the bad guys won’t let me tell you by how much, because they think you’re an idiot who believes the same results will automatically happen for you regardless of whether you actually do anything) at one of his branches thanks to ideas he implemented from the mastermind.
He added: “I am humbled by all your willingness to listen, share your knowledge and contribute to my growth. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you again soon. If I can add anything to the projects you’re working on, reach out anytime.
“In a roomful of highly experienced, successful people, it’s common to find at least one a-hole. The fact that this room is only great, smart, fun people is amazing. Thank you.”
Still another participant said: “Thank you, Tom, for putting this together. I’ve participated in other networking groups in the past, but none with this caliber of participant and depth of knowledge.”
We meet three times a year, each time in a different city. We dig deep into each person’s business and give very specific, actionable advice.
But we’ve also become great friends, and enjoy excellent food and entertainment (both of which are included in the price). These are unforgettable weekends, and supplemented by a private group and virtual sessions between in-person meetings so we can stay in touch and keep everyone’s momentum going.
Masterminds are not cheap (price them and see; they can range from $50,000 to $250,000 per year), and they’re not for everyone. But for the right person they are legitimately life-changing.
The Tom Woods Mastermind is $20,000 per year. Apply at this link.
Here are my reports from Chicago (October 2023) and New York (July 2023):
We just concluded the second in-person meeting of the Tom Woods Mastermind, this time in Chicago, October 13-14.
We were slightly shorthanded due to illness, but it was fantastic all the same.
At each of our meetings we spend two days intensely working on everyone’s businesses, sharing our collective knowledge in order to catapult everyone in that room to a new level of success.
(In between the in-person meetings we have a private group so we can keep in touch, and we meet on Zoom every month for more training, and updates on everyone’s progress and challenges.)
I’m all for the “work hard, play hard” philosophy, so we enjoy great food and entertainment, too.
Some pics:

Plenty of opportunity for individual attention inside our elite group! We meet inside my presidential suite.
For Saturday’s dinner we dined in the private room at NoMI, a high-end restaurant near our hotel.

Headed out for the evening for a performance of Drunk Shakespeare!

Both of our teams escaped both rooms!
Now here’s what I wrote after our first meeting:
We just finished the first in-person meeting of the Tom Woods Mastermind in New York City. Every participant is heading home with his mind blown, and ready to generate the results he’d been hoping for but been unable to reach so far.
You won’t get platitudes from us about waking up early in the morning or meditating for 10 minutes a day. This is specific, actionable guidance for you in your particular situation, intended to generate dramatic results. It’s a small group so you can get plenty of individual attention.
We’re not interested in growing by five percent. We’re interested in moving everyone up to the proverbial next level, where they — you? — dream of being, but can’t quite get there on their own.
Here’s a glimpse at our meeting in New York:
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While most people were still on their way home (and some hadn’t even left for home yet), Marlon had already written a 26-page memo of action steps for all participants. It began like this:
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This isn’t for beginners, and it isn’t cheap (no serious mastermind is). I need to emphasize that. It’s expensive, especially if you’ve never priced a mastermind before. But for smart and ambitious people who want rapid growth, it’s a group of sharp, like-minded folks whose collective knowledge can help get you there, and it can generate ten, even one hundred times the investment.
Not to mention: we’re all good friends.
Are you the right person?