The Ron Paul Debate Day Moneybomb has raised just over $1 million, a very substantial achievement. The initial goal was $2 million. One thing that would help fundraising substantially is some kind of indication that the money will be better spent this time. Many people went into considerable debt last time in order to max out to the campaign, only to see amateurish TV ads, squandered opportunities, legions of unreturned phone calls, and so on. These good people deserve better. Will things be different this time? Will the personnel change, in light of the 2008 campaign’s problems, or will we see the same names again? Will there be the kind of debate rehearsal and coaching that goes on in other campaigns? This kind of information would go a long way toward reassuring the grassroots that the official campaign is a good place to send their money.
There is also the Facebook Fox News poll which currently shows Cain as the debate winner
There has been a lot of people contribute to his LibertyPac. Don’t forget how much money that raised before he even announced. Yes, things do need to be run better. Also, Frank Luntz needs to get off of Fox with he stupid poll rigging group.
I was somewhat active in the Ron Paul campaign in 2008 and was a delegate to the Nevada GOP state convention. For most of the campaign I had no problem with the way my money was spent excepting only the very end when we could have used more support just before, during and after the convention. Regardless, considering the tone of the GOP today (fiscal responsibility, the fed, austrian econ and debates about legalization) , I think the money in 08 was very well spent.
Oh man, you just asked all the same questions I have been asking for 2 years. Thank you!!!
Since we in Washington State have a direct link to the ’08 national campaign management and were deeply stung thereby in 2008, at, and following the National Convention and watche an overt attempt to break up the subsequent movement, we have been deeply interested in this question. And I am satisfied that Dr. Paul has, at the least, been made aware of the forces of subversion of his ’08 campaign and from which we continue to recover. ~ author, “subjugated – nevermore!” (
Amen Tom. I’m, glad you’ve written this, because I know the campaign and Paul himself will probably get the message, and hopefully heed it.
For some reason I was a bit discouraged by the debate last night. How do you think he did, Tom?
100% agreed. That’s why the grassroots is already organizing their own plan to bus people in to the Iowa straw poll, which I predict will raise a good amount of money on its own. We know Ron’s campaign will be slacking there again this year, and the event would serve as a HUGE catalyst.
I would give my right arm for the guy, but why are they not rehearsing a closing statement? Why is Ron Paul not blowing everyone off the stage with a statement in which he looks directly into the camera, levels with the American people, and tells them point-blank what has been done to them and how to get out of it? His supporters are owed at least this.
Tom, did you notice that both Ron Paul and Gary Johnson were positioned as bookends on stage in the debate lineup? I’m sure it was entirely coincidental.
I had honestly never even heard of Ron Paul in the last campaign, and I voted. Hopefully his name gets out better this time around.
Be careful Tom…you might be asking for too much. My experience locally has been the same. Lots of wanna be leaders and no one talking about the spirit of excellence that is needed to build anything worthy of attention. I find that people tend to work with the idea that if they are rewarded, THEN they will work hard. It is unfortunate that the majority of those interested in leading don’t realize that often times you have to work hard first and THEN….MAYBE…you will get rewarded. Its risky business to invest yourself with a true spirit of excellence.
Perhaps you should contact him and offer your advice…
Agreed John. Given Thomas Wood’s speaking abilities the Paul campaign would do well to take his advice. And, as you correctly stated John, Tom should contact the campaign and offer some sound advice. It is difficult to imagine anyone else more qualified as a “speaking adviser.”
Exactly. The campaign would be foolish to use the same strategies as last time. They should not only be seeking advice from you, Schiff, and Doug Weed, etc; but also Rand Paul and his campaign.
My gut feeling is that Dr. Paul doesn’t like to play politics…which is exactly what got him into the spotlight. On the other hand, playing politics is what you have to do to get elected. I hope with all sincerity that this is not a case of the difficulty in teaching an old dog new tricks…may cost us all an extremely qualified president!
My gut feeling is that Dr. Paul doesn’t like to play politics…which is exactly what got him into the spotlight. On the other hand, playing politics is what you have to do to get elected. I hope with all sincerity that this is not a case of the difficulty in teaching an old dog new tricks…may cost us all an extremely qualified president!
I’ve done some stuff in the past for the good Dr and the campaigns. Any creative people out there that wanna collaborate: voice actors, writers, artists, animators…drop me a line
Thank you for stating it like it is. I donated this time, and will next time, but have the exact expectations that you do Tom.
I hope RP gets the message before it is too late. I want to see fire coming from his nostrils, and I will match that fire, and spread it like wildfire.
He HAS to be in it, to WIN IT. PERIOD. The educating should have been done over the last couple of years. Now it is time to run.
Nevermind the naysayers, and the lukewarm.
That being said, we can’t just foist all of the expectations on the campaign staff. I have much higher expectations of all of them (RP included), but I also have to look myself in the mirror and know that I DID MY PART.
I think better collaboration with the grassroots is also a must. The creative talent, and outside perspectives are valuable. Inclusion can only help..
Thanks for all your efforts Tom.
BTW, I got on Dennis Miller and thanked him for having you on his show. You hit a home run with that interview. You’re an inspiration for the rest of us, as to how to carry the message forward.
A problem is going to be that some of the same cast of characters from RP 2008 landed here in KY during Rand’s campaign, and when they arrived they stepped into a full-blown campaign that the grassroots had successfully built for almost a year. That’s when things started to go awry. Politics started to be played. Rand was well on his way to another huge general election victory but the gaffes we saw made his winning margin shrink a bit. But now those folks are claiming victory for themselves, and even in Rand’s book he thanked these folks but NOT the ones that led to the huge “Randslide” in the primary. Not even an acknowledgement to grassroots on the thank you’s page. Liberty activists in Kentucky are having serious problems with the politics that are in play now in our state, much of which came directly from Rand’s campaign. Everyone I talk to here is having a hard time getting excited about Ron’s run because of it. Don’t expect such an enthusiastic support in Kentucky. We are exhausted. We’ve had RP2008, Rand in 2010, and now a hot governor’s race. Due to Rand turning his back on us here in KY when we desperately need him, many of us here are jaded. Please Tom, I hope you can read this and understand and try to help. This is so much politics as usual, big guys catered to and no one is listening to us.
Libertarianism is so simple.Can’t they come up with a few memes that Ron can bang for the listeners and himself too?Cain didn’t say very much of anything but they lapped it up (apparently).There must be very simple phrases showing the intellectual coherence of his ideas because not enough,non Libertarians will read his book.It’s all very simple so just write down phrases for all the main topics linking back to the non aggression principle and self ownership.Then make him rehearse them until he knows it in his sleep.
We did exactly what you said, Tom — put a tremendous amount (for us) on a credit card and spent a year or more paying it off. We will never do that again, so our donations have been very modest. I hope Ron Paul just understands that we have more time to give, than money. If they would just put out some really good literature and door hangers, we’ll buy them up and blanket our area with them.
BTW, should have mentioned that the most important thing for us to learn from is Rand Paul’s *primary* race. The primary, after all, will be the hardest race for RP to win.
I was at the Iowa Straw Poll in ’07, and I’d have to say that the Ron Paul supporters were the most enthusiastic, vocal, passionate crowd there. Unfortunately, they were vastly outnumbered by the non-enthused, emotionless, tired-looking, older crowds of Huckabee and Mitt.
Huckabee is some sort of pastor, and Mitt is Morman; they mention God and “traditional values,” so therefore they are the best candidates. This is what Ron Paul faces in Iowa. Iowa Republicans get duped by this stuff every time. The economy will have to be absolutely crashing before Iowans finally set aside the “traditional values” talk—which is still important—and focus on economics and the Fed. Until then, in Iowa, Ron is going to have to not only focus on his strengths—economics, sound money, constitutionalism—but he will also have to step it up on the social issues. He needs to constantly remind Iowans that he’s a pro-life obstetrician, and staunchly favors the Tenth Amendment on all social issues. He needs to get the “court stripping” arguments out there, saying that he will not just talk about finally overturning Roe v. Wade, but will actually do it by stripping federal courts of jurisdiction over state abortion laws.
On the war/foreign policy issue, Iowa Republicans are tired of the status quo, but need that extra boost to the Ron Paul camp. The fear of not being patriotic is the usual barrier. I wish your recent video, Tom, could be mandatory viewing.
It’s going to be a hard battle in Iowa, and I hope Ron Paul gets it together with better plans and organization this time. He has passionate supporters here.
Tom, Jan Mickelson’s radio show reaches maybe a half-million listeners a day in Iowa. He is a big fan of your writing, and I know you appear on the show from time to time. Any chance you get to talk on the show for 45 mins or whatever this summer, I hope you take it.
On the war/foreign policy issue, Iowa Republicans are tired of the status quo, but need that extra boost to the Ron Paul camp. The fear of not being patriotic is the usual barrier. I wish your recent video, Tom, could be mandatory viewing. ”
I read this the other day and it has been really sticking with me. Also seems quite relevant to your posting. It seems to me that we really are at that point now.
Naturally the common people don’t want war…. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders…. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism…(Herman Goering at the Neuremburg Trials)
And why aren’t you on a sabattical from the Mises Institute to run the campaign? I think you’ve got the fire and the chops for this stuff.
Great points Tom; I would love to see a council of wise leaders such as yourself, Judge Nap, Ernie Hancock, and other media savvy libertarians advising RP’s campaign staff. How could the grassroots promote such counsel?
Not one penny for yard signs, we make and buy our own! The same goes for commercials – use the ones the grassroots make! I’d love to see these on tv –
– have another
contest and we’ll have hundreds more that are a million times more effective than “he’s really catching on”…..
This is where Peter Schiff’s idea of using CALL FIRE to campaign in states could be interesting.
I’ll polish him up. E-mail me Jesse :)
Ron’s base of support is uniquely passionate about their candidate. Now the candidate and his campaign need to be uniquely passionate about the base. Idea forums, best phrases, best homemade commercials, life under big govt text or video testimonials,the list is endless. They can’t claim distance this time, that the grassroots is organizing a money bomb, then blast us with a dozen emails linking to the donation site. Look, I raised $5 million in small clumps running a non-profit for 15 years. There is science and art involved in good donor cultivation. It requires allowing involvement beyond money, creative and sincere recognition and, as you astutely point out Tom, spending donor money wisely, absolutely.
n effort to offer a slightly different spin on this; Ron Paul has been running for president since he first entered Congress. How easy do you imagine it is to stand against the machine, often alone? He was mocked by media and by many of his own colleagues for every “no” vote.
It him 30 years or more just to educate our giant herd of cats to the fact we are being screwed.
You don’t often win capable people to your team when you go against the hometown favorite. Imagine, he stood there, as always, facing down the monster, and as he briefly turned his head and glanced behind, he was amazed to see people were following him. He selected a team offering to help and went back to the fight and to his campaign of educating the masses.
This time might be different, maybe not. Ron Paul is still facing the monster for all of us. If the right bunch of people steps up to help him this time, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a President Paul.
ThomasEWoods, do you really believe the guy leading the fight owes you anything? I believe it is he that is owed; our undying gratitude and whatever else we can muster.
Don’t throw stones, step up.
Gary, on the basis of your comment it is painfully obvious you know nothing about what went on in 2008. In fact yours is about the most uninformed comment on any subject I have read in a long time. And then, on the basis of your ignorance, you go on to criticize someone (namely me) who has done everything humanly possible to support Ron Paul. What does “step up” mean in this context, exactly? What more do you think I can do? And you are saying it is wrong to say the campaign should be run better this time? I am speechless.
I agree Tom. Delivery of his message will be key in this campaign.
Tom I am grassroots. During the campaign I was grassroots and campaign staff before the primaries here in Maine. There was a HUGE disconnect between the G and the CS. A lot – and I mean a lot – of energy and creativity was not accepted by the campaign. It was very frustrating. The videos the campaign put out were horrible – especially – when there were SO many videos and flyers etc. that were not used that were TERRIFIC! I personally experienced this first hand during the brief staff period. A lot in the grassroots were upset and angry to be ‘dissed’ so. The personnel does need a go over. It is a must do for Ron to move ahead in campaign. There is a lot more I could write altho I think you get my drift.
RP said on Scott Horton’s show – which you probably have heard – that this time he is in 100% agreement to not let that happen again. The creativity of the grassroots must be used. I am SO glad that SH brought it up.
This time around is going to be really be even more fun and more incredible than last time. It’s evident that the push is on by to marginalize RP. This can be clearly seen in FAUX news now putting up it’s 3rd poll because RP keeps winning and they just cannot have that. The money bomb really has them being creative to play that down too OR just not report it.
Thanks for posting.
I maxed out to the 2008 campaign and will more than likely do it on the 2012 campaign if I can afford it. I totally understand that during the 2008 campaign Dr. Paul didn’t expect all the supporters he got, so the people on his campaign were probably overwhelmed when we all came out of nowhere. I don’t believe they intentionally “squandered opportunities” or intentionaly meant to leave “legions of unreturned phone calls”, and so on.
In other words, I don’t think it was the “personnel”, but it was the circumstances. So, blaming a small group of people for circumstances doesn’t seem fair at all. They were thousands of us working hard and we had “squandered opportunities” and “legions of unreturned phone calls”, too. It was the hardest volunteer work I’ve ever, ever done.
I met a lot of awesome people during the 2008 campaign who are still my friends today, and sincerly believe that every single one of us did everything we humanly could and we put our heart and soul into it—including the people who worked at the campaign offices. (Yes, I met some of them and they seemed very nice and concerned with the way the country is headed, and stressed out and lacking sleep – they did not have 3 heads or spew green stuff from their mouths. They didn’t seem the type who would sit back and not do everything they could, or sit around trying to think of ways to conspire to lose the Campaign. I bet if you talked to them you’d find out that they are human just like you and me and have the same 24 hours in a day to get things done).
Nothing wrong with learning from mistakes, but playing the blame game is the wrong way to do it. After all, we are all “the same names”, too, and we are all only human.
I hope people will look ahead to 2012 and work together, rather than wasting time looking back to make negative comments about people in the past. Bury the hatchet and let’s win this time!
Good heavens. I did not even mention the money bomb funds and the apprehension that people have towards sending $’s. There was definitely that aspect also. There must be changes this time around so RP can go all the way. Last time was more education. This time needs to be for the win.
I always assumed you and Ron were closer, I figured you would be sort of a sounding board for him. As far as the campaign, I can only hope things will be different this time around. Back in 2008, it was disparaging to say the least. I remember in the early stages of the 2008 election campaign, the synergy was off the chart. Creativity flowed through the Internet instantly but the campaign failed to harness this energy. I’m not sure if it was because they were unprepared or had the old school frame of mind.
That creative energy still exists but needs some encouragement and acceptance. The good news is that carefully reviewing the information left over from the last election cycle can help make decisions this time. For example, Jerry Day is very knowledgeable about media production, from lighting, camera angles, presentation, etc, he’s an expert and would contribute to making Ron shine. His videos on YouTube show this, and more importantly his dedication to a Ron Paul presidency. I think hiring people like Jerry, who have Ron’s best interest in mind, beats hiring some expensive firm that only cares about profits and name recognition. There’s many more examples out there.
I hope this time we can put Ron’s commercials on prime-time channels and not sub-tier cable channels. All I saw last time on NBC,ABC,CBS, and Fox was Barack, Hillary, Mitt, and John. Exposure that puts Ron in front of America, would have an added benefit of bringing in more donations. I’m not up on all the election laws but what if we had a Prime-Time money bomb? I don’t think it would be limited to a donation cap because I remember the full page add that Larry Lepard put in USA Today, that cost him around $75,000 as I recall. If successful it would allow the campaign funds to focus elsewhere.
I’m sure there are a million great ideas out there and if I were Ron, I would pay a group of people who’s job description is to cultivate them. It’s a new game and requires a different approach. The return on investment should be “Priceless.
Thanks. He is 75 and has years of experience, so he probably doesn’t use too many people as sounding boards. I would be glad to offer assistance of any kind at any time.
I’m older then you and I appreciate your wisdom, as with Judge Nap, Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul. Wisdom abounds everywhere, you can learn more from a five year old fighting cancer then talking to elders. I know that age contributes to wisdom, but it is not exclusive.
Beside I am looking forward to you being the secretary of treasury, that would be an interesting blog. And Judge Nap. as attorney general and maybe Lew as sec.of state or something. If you had your choice of positions what would it be?
the message. Wood’s and Paul need to release their Revolution and Meltdown books for FREE on Nook, Amazon, ebooks and a downloadable copy from Woods, RM and Campaign for Liberty’s websites. No worries, it will probably increase sales of other books!
Seriously, with the money they brought in last time I was expecting a thirty minute documentary with bought airplay during prime-time on ABC, CBS, NBC.
At least let the grass roots make the commercials this time!
Lots of great points made. I certainly think my donations were wasted last election. It seemed like the Paul campaign was trying too hard to look mainstream. Take the opportunity to expose people to Ron Paul’s “radical” ideas. Don’t waste time and money playing up Paul’s past military experience, etc. That’s the sort of lame stuff the mainstream plastic politicians do. Here’s a real simple idea for a campaign video. How about showing these videos:
Try to educate people about the evil drug war, federal reserve, and military empire. Let’s be real. Ron Paul is not going to be the next president. The vast majority of people have been indoctrinated in govt schools for 12 years, and the power elites won’t allow it. The campaign should accept this fact, and take advantage of this opportunity to spread the ideas of liberty. Until I see something like that I won’t be donating anything.
I think it’s wrong to put down the people on the campaign rather than focusing on the process.
That video on the far right is amazing, I really enjoyed it, and I think that as a commercial would really speak to the American people!
Thank you for your work. It can’t be about the man, it has always got to be about the message (which I am sure it is for you or you wouldn’t have worked so hard).
The point is that we all know it is the grassroots that got Ron and Rand to this level, we just continue the work.
No flaming guys. We have so many trolls to face, let’s not attack each other. That’s what “they” would love …
They did that so they could take turns ignoring them. But, think of how far we have come in only four years, to have two people this time around representing our philosophy. If we don’t give up we will win.
The media has grabbed onto this whole notion of legalizing heroin. Dr. Paul needs to stress that his idea is to end the FEDERAL prohibition of drugs, and leave it to the states to regulate as they will. Rand did a fine job of this in Kentucky I think when attacked on this front by ol’ what’s his name.
I have one suggestion for Dr. Paul to consider. I hear him mention in his speeches over and over again, how important it is that the young people he speaks to at universities, now understand his message. One thing that has always bugged me though is that he always fails to point out that a huge amount of his support comes from people from all walks of life.
No offense to the students, because the good doctor is correct about the importance of this fact, however, there IS such a thing as a “generation gap mentality”, especially within the ranks of the general mainstream voter (and we all know Dr. Paul will need millions of their votes in order to get elected President). Many of these folks view their standing in life in more realistic, reasonable and responsible terms when comparing it to that of a young, idealistic student. As narrow as it seems, many may even tune out the message once they perceive that the campaign’s biggest supporter base seems to come from the campuses. I’m not suggesting that they be excluded but I would suggest that others be included in his speeches also.
For instance, many of the people I know who support Dr, Paul are middle aged and successful (and we have money). I think he misses a great opportunity to build on this base by not working to promote that fact. The majority of general mainstream voters normally “follow the herd” or “jump on the band wagon” of candidates who are considered legitimate by other well-educated, level-headed, successful people. Many of these mainstream sheeple consider themselves to be of the same ilk. Therefore, by simply promoting this fact more often, I believe Dr. Paul’s acceptance level from this demographic group could go dramatically higher. This of course holds true for other demographic groups as well, if the promotion is handled correctly.
Dr. Paul will need to fill a big tent in order to get elected…he should go out of his way to make all feel welcome…and, in my humble opinion, it should be promoted as such!
As so it may have been, let not the past determine our commitment now! I’ve heard similar issues being raised this day on the Iowa leaders, beratement thereof. If something needs correction let us not gossip about the issues but dig in and correct them. Call people on it if they do not call back, give input on ads to the campaign leaders, and, above all keep it simple, effective, efficient and different, SEED, by having the seedlings as grass roots. Let us not foget this is not Big-Brother’s work, but ours, We the People. All hail Ron Paul our President in 2012!