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Ep. 620 Trump, Buchanan, and the Death of the Political Consultant

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Another interesting side effect of the Trump insurgency is that salaries of supposedly indispensable political consultants are coming way down. Trump is crushing the field while spending a pittance on such people, and ignoring all standard political advice.

Another person to do this was Pat Buchanan, to whom Trump is often compared. My guest today, Roger McCaffrey, who worked for Pat, describes how Pat did this. It’s a freewheeling, informative, and at times hilarious discussion of then and now.

About the Guest

Roger A. McCaffrey heads Roman Catholic Books and has published Catholic books and magazines for 33 years. He is co-author with brother Eugene of Players Choice: Major League Ballplayers Vote on Their All-Time Greats, which contains a foreword by George H.W. Bush, the latter’s finest contribution to public life.  His book An Executive’s Complete Guide to Licensing was published by Dow Jones-Irwin. He writes occasional pieces on various topics and has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and The American Spectator.

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Related Episodes

Ep. 194 Richard Nixon: An Insider’s Account (Pat Buchanan)
Ep. 152 Pat Buchanan on Winston Churchill (Pat Buchanan)

Book Mentioned

The Crusader: The Life and Tumultuous Times of Pat Buchanan, by Timothy Stanley

Previous Appearance

BONUS Ep. 616 Pope Francis and the State of the Catholic Church: The Inside Scoop

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