Rand Paul was demoted from the upper-tier Republican debate last night, and he decided to boycott the undercard debate and hold a national town hall from Twitter headquarters instead. Meanwhile, Lew and I were stuck watching the debate. But as always, we have great fun breaking it down for you!
About the Guest
Lew Rockwell is publisher of LewRockwell.com, and founder and chairman of the Mises Institute.
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Resource Mentioned
William Blackstone on Being “Natural-Born”
Is China engaging in currency manipulation? Read this and this
Video Mentioned
Guest’s Political Blog
Lew Rockwell’s Political Theatre
Selected Books by the Guest
Fascism vs. Capitalism
Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto
Guest’s Facebook
Guest’s Twitter
Previous Appearances
Ep. 556 Lew and Tom Dissect Another GOP Debate, on Foreign Policy
Ep. 531 Lew and Tom Take Apart GOP Debate Number Four
Ep. 522 Lew Rockwell and Tom Dissect the Third GOP Debate, 2015
Ep. 500 Roundtable on Liberty’s Past, Present, and Future with Lew Rockwell, Jeff Deist, and Tom
Ep. 492 Lew Rockwell and Tom on the Second GOP Debate, 2015
Ep. 474 The Trump Phenomenon: Lew Rockwell and Tom Discuss
Ep. 463 Lew Rockwell and Tom Woods Discuss the GOP Debate
Ep. 242 Murray Rothbard: His Life and Work
Ep. 180 Rockwell on the State, the Military, and Propaganda
Ep. 167 Lew Rockwell on the State
Ep. 83 Q&A with Ron, Lew, and Tom
Ep. 19 Lew Rockwell Remembers
Webinar Mentioned
Zapable makes it drag-and-drop simple to create mobile apps you can use for yourself or sell to local businesses, which you can be sure no one will take the initiative to visit. It’s closed to the public right now, but open to Tom Woods Show listeners on a special webinar on Thursday, January 21 at 5:00pm ET. Sign up, and we’ll see you there!
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