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Ep. 409 The Doomsayers Are Wrong, As Usual

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Predictions of doom, whether because of inadequate food, or acid rain, or poverty — the list goes on and on — have consistently been refuted by events. Matt Ridley makes an overwhelming case against the doomsayers, who are still very much with us.

About the Guest

Matt Ridley’s books have sold over a million copies, been translated into 30 languages, been short-listed for nine major literary prizes and won several awards. With BA and DPhil degrees from Oxford University, Ridley worked for The Economist for nine years as science editor, Washington correspondent and American editor, before becoming a self-employed writer and businessman. He founded the Mind and Matter column in the Wall Street Journal and is a weekly columnist for The Times.

As Viscount Ridley, he was elected to the House of Lords in February 2013. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and a foreign honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Book Discussed

The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

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Episode Mentioned

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