What do you do when you’re out of Tom Woods Show episodes?
Other than despair, of course.
Answer: check out an up-and-coming libertarian podcast that I also like.
Not long ago I mentioned on my own show a new podcast called Libertarians on Fire, hosted by my friend Rick Rivers.
Here are a few of his early episode topics:
Ep 1: From Republican to Libertarian in 24 Short Years
Ep 2: OJ Simpson Revisited from a Libertarian Perspective
Ep. 3: Statist News – All the Propaganda That’s Fit to Print
Ep. 4: NAP A to Z – Non-Aggression Principle Explored
Ep. 5: Government Cops – Serving and Protecting Themselves
Ep. 6: The Nation-State – A Fundamental Flaw of Human Nature
Check it out: http://www.LibertariansOnFire.com
And guess what: Rick’s podcast has exploded since I mentioned it on my show. Rick got his website hosting through my link, so I gave him some free publicity.
Here’s how it turned out:
At the time Tom promoted my podcast on his show, I had released 7 episodes and been live for 57 days.
Although I expected a bump in downloads, I didn’t expect this:
Within the first three days after Tom’s mention, my downloads had increased by 135%. In fact, I got more downloads in two days than I had in the first 57 days combined!
It gets even better! My subscriptions increased by over 400%.
I couldn’t be happier, or more grateful to Tom for offering this AMAZING benefit to others.
If you’re starting any kind of website, you’d have to be crazier than a neocon not to use Tom’s link to set up your hosting account.
Today (August 17th) is the one-day sale at Bluehost, so get my free goodies and save some dough.
How? By visiting the link below. Clicking on it begins the first day of the rest of your life: