Well, of course it is! If it isn’t on the 3×5 card of allowable opinion, it’s not only irresponsible — it’s downright dangerous. Seditious, even. The nerve of these people, thinking they might have some say in constitutional interpretation. No, no, no! Federal judges are our infallible guides. Forget James Madison’s Report of 1800, or common sense, for that matter. One and indivisible, now and forever!
Folks, as the MSM starts to address nullification, it’s looking like nothing but seventh-grade term papers as far as the eye can see. But at least a seventh-grader doesn’t consider himself an expert.
Notice what isn’t “irresponsible,” by the way: abuses of executive orders, criminalizing marijuana based on the testimony of quacks, imprisoning Japanese Americans, slaughtering Iraqis for no good reason, destroying 96% of the value of the dollar, racking up a present value of $222 trillion of unfunded liabilities — the federal government, you’ll note, is not condescendingly scolded as “irresponsible.” No, citizen. Resisting these wise custodians of the public good is what’s irresponsible.
Yet again, is there anything here that isn’t addressed in one of these two places?