Gary Chartier (Ph.D., Cambridge) has written another important new book, this one exploring the work of John Rawls: Radicalizing Rawls: Global Justice and the Foundations of International Law. He explores a major problem with the Rawlsian framework, as you’ll hear in our conversation, and without doing violence to the Rawlsian approach, argues that market anarchism satisfies the demands Rawls makes of a system of justice.
Chartier’s work is a careful study, not a polemic, and he is generous with his subject rather than dismissive or condescending. As a result, he has a top publisher (Palgrave Macmillan), a slate of admiring blurbs from top scholars, and the satisfaction of having made a significant contribution to political philosophy.
I hope you’ll listen to our conversation — which, if you’d rather hear it as an audio file, you can get by clicking here. Otherwise, the YouTube is below.