From the comment threads of my two recent posts (one, two) on the “living wage” issue:
You want an economic analysis Dr. Woods? Look into the eyes of a young child whose mother can’t buy a house because the fat cats just HAD to buy a fourth mansion instead of doubling wages to a living wage. Look into the eyes of a line worker at McDs who can’t afford college. Look into the history books and see the end result of the free-market (people in bondage and slavery). Everyone is equally valuable. Thinking people are unequal led to events like the Holocaust and Jim Crow laws.
So yes, there is an economic reason for doubling wages backed by facts and simple logic. Money creates jobs. Therefore, more money = more jobs.
Not hard to understand.
#socialjustice #moralsuperiority #dotherightthing
My reply (bear in mind, I have repeatedly explained the source of higher wages already):
There is no economic analysis in any of this.
What “history books” are you talking about? The ones that show how the great mass of the people lived in unspeakable squalor until capitalism made possible their sheer survival in massive numbers, plus amenities the greatest kings of Europe couldn’t have dreamed of, such that a “poor” person today generally has a car, air conditioning, more living space per capita than the average European, a cell phone, etc.?
Those books?
“Everyone is equally valuable.”
What does this vapid nonsense mean?
“Thinking people are unequal led to events like the Holocaust and Jim Crow laws.”
You are an excellent product of the government’s schools. “Anyone who opposes me is going to create another Holocaust.”
Everyone deserves equal treatment before the law. Everyone is obviously not equal in talent or ability. I cannot believe anyone would even consider this debatable.
“Money creates jobs.”
What does this vapid nonsense mean? “Money creates jobs”? That’s it? Just “money”? No need to worry about what consumers want? Just spend money and “jobs” are magically created?
Have you considered answering anything I wrote in my post? If “money creates jobs,” why don’t you favor telling the employer to find the most expensive steel and the most expensive lumber — the “money” he spends on those things will create more “jobs”!
Your entire post is so absurd that I’m now worrying that you meant it in jest, and that I’m going to look like a humorless idiot for taking it seriously. If that’s the case, my apologies, but you have to understand that these days it is difficult to detect satire, given the abysmal ignorance of much of the public.