I knew the SOBs were coming after me.
It was June 2010, and my book Nullification was about to be released. It made a constitutional, historical, and moral case that the states could prevent the enforcement of unconstitutional federal laws.
The media response would be predictable enough, I knew: “racism,” “slavery,” “neo-Confederate.”
So I recruited Bob Murphy to dress up as a zombie, and Interview with a Zombie was born.
The premise of the video was this: a zombie had his own television talk show, and he was interviewing me about my book.
And no matter how substantial my arguments, all he would say in response was “racism,” “slavery,” or “neo-Confederate.”
So I was already having a laugh at my opponents’ expense before they could launch their first attack.
The video become something of a phenomenon among libertarians. Here it is, in case you haven’t seen it:
Even funnier is the blooper video, showing all the times I couldn’t keep a straight face with Zombie Bob:
Here’s why I bring this up.
Last week I was away and inaccessible, so Bob, who normally co-hosts sister podcast Contra Krugman with me, had the keys to the shop, so to speak. (Incidentally, our thanks to the Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell for filling in for me.)
That meant he was able to get away with something — particularly because Krugman had written a column with a zombie theme.
So Bob revisited the Zombie.
Unbeknownst to me until my return yesterday, episode #92 of Contra Krugman begins with a second installment of Interview with a Zombie. Bob even got voice-over king Jeff Riggenbach, who did the voice-over for the original, to return as well.
(You should watch the original video first to get the idea.)
My favorite part: how Jeff introduces “the other host of Contra Krugman” (i.e., me) in absentia. I won’t spoil it, but I laughed out loud in the car.
Oh, and Bob and Dan went on to smash Krugman, as we always do on the show, including the “Kansas proves tax cuts don’t work” argument.
For all the fun: