In my monthly giveaway, I just shipped out signed and personalized books to the following subscribers to the (free) Tom Woods Letter:
Jeremy Roe
Sean Hinckley
Don Jungquist
Frances Pickard
Julie Upchurch
Raymond Parady
Joseph S. Haas
Lisa Liddiard
Mike Goethel
Tami Campbell
You can subscribe here. I’m sending out about two issues a month, so you won’t find it oppressive.
I started sending it out regularly when I noticed this happening: I would promote an event in city X on Facebook, Twitter, here on my blog, and even on YouTube, and then, when noting on Facebook that I had had a great event in X, the thread would be full of people wondering, “Why didn’t you tell us you’d be in X?”
But I use the letter not just to update folks about my activities but also to highlight my recent writing on topics of interest and to weigh in on some of the big issues in the news.
Hope you’ll join me!