What the world needs fewer of in 2019:
Humorless libertarian scolds.
They’re generally of the left-wing variety.
I’ll give you an example of the phenomenon.
The other day a former guest of the Tom Woods Show posted this on social media:

(In case you don’t recognize her, that’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was recently elected to Congress.)
The person was promptly scolded:

Who is this scold? Let’s call him Mr. Sunshine.
He’s one of those anti-Ron Paul libertarians, the lot of whom could hold their convention in a telephone booth, if those existed anymore.
He’s a nasty and vicious guy, for whom everyone is a “racist.” (You know the type, surely.)
I replied as follows (I’ve pixelated the name of the original poster, whom Mr. Sunshine was insulting):

Note, too, Mr. Sunshine’s immediate use of leftist accusations: why, you’re “sexist”! Because we’re saying a particular woman is an intellectual lightweight (which happens to be obvious to everyone)?
For heaven’s sake, someone started a GoFundMe campaign to send books on economics to Bernie Sanders.
David Hogg was pounded mercilessly for speaking in platitudes anyone could have scripted in advance.
So under what circumstances would it be all right to be critical of, or mock, a woman? Any? None? Why the double standard? The whole thing plays into the stereotype of women as delicate flowers who can’t take criticism.
We can debate the effectiveness of mockery, but there is certainly no moral problem with mocking a would-be tyrant.
Also, I might add: we are presently governed by a man who had a special insult for every one of his opponents. I am unconvinced that college professors ought to be instructing us on what works.
Then we read:

Did you catch that? “Rightfully.”
So if leftists accused the original poster of “sexism,” not only would this person not jump to his defense, but he’d say he had it coming to him.
With friends like these….
Wait, these aren’t friends.
These are enemies.
Someone whose first instinct is to adopt one of the state’s demonization words and throw you to the wolves is not your friend.
I don’t start things with these people, but I finish them if they start with me, or I report on them to you if they start with anyone else.
Meanwhile, you’ll find plenty of normal people who won’t accuse you of anything, because they’re not brainwashed automatons, in my Tom Woods Show Elite.
Will I see you in there? It’s this way: